Digital Artefact creation and interpretations

When thinking about the different digital tools, I certainly feel like I’m learning about more than using them sometimes (which is definitiely a good thing!). I know I have been building a list of digital resources since working through the module readings in our INF533 course. Seeing as I’ve started using different tools in my library lessons with the 3-6 classes at my school, I certainly think that I’m branching out and allowing these students to expand their interaction with digital tools.

The main digital artefact that has been the focus for my 3-6 lessons has been incorporating an inquiry learning Geography project that caters on displaying information through an application called Mindomo (2007). This application has allowed students to branch out and use their prior learning as well as link with research based learning to display what they have found through research. This program was something new that I wanted to implement into my teaching as the stock standard has been to use PowerPoint when exploring independent research tasks. After conversations with other teachers at my school, they agreed to give the Mindomo program a go to see how the students could display their learning.

We are still in the process of finishing these projects as they will be completed during the last few weeks of this term. This program has absolutely been a learning curve for myself and also the students as we all have had to learn how to use this program effectively. I am really looking forward to implementing more technology in the way of iPad apps such as Book Creator (2011) into my K-2 lessons next term too.




Book Creator application. (2011). Retrieved from

Mindomo application. (2007). Retrieved from

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