Posts Tagged ‘library policy’

Censorship and Developing a Library Collection

Censorship is something every librarian has to be aware of when developing their collection and I wrote about this and about our challenged materials policy in my post Developing a Library Collection.  The Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science (as cited in Givens, 2009, p. 22) defines censorship as the “prohibition of the productions, distribution, circulation, or display of a work by a governing authority on grounds that it contains objectionable or dangerous material.” There are a wide spectrum of beliefs and practices regarding censorship in libraries but there are also many policies in place to prevent censorship in libraries. Often censorship comes from the position of wanting to protect children but intellectual freedom should always be considered.

According to the Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) of the American Library Association (2002), “in general, there are four basic motivational factors that may lie behind a censor’s actions.” These are family values, religion, political views, and minority rights. In module 3.4 we were asked how our various roles based on age, family, back ground, societal position, religious beliefs influenced our stance in censorship of children’s literature. I think it is fair to say that for most people all of these life experiences play a massive role in our beliefs and how we translate those beliefs into the library collections we manage. However it is important that decisions are not made on personal opinions but on library policy. The Australian School Library Association’s (ASLA) Policy Statement – School Library Bill of Rights (2018) states that “School libraries are concerned with generating understanding of freedom and with the preservation of this freedom through the development of informed and responsible citizens.”

One of my author heroes and someone who has constantly challenged censorship, Judy Blume, said “I’ve always said censorship is caused by fear” (Baker, 2015). I would agree but I would also add that it can come for a place of ignorance and life experience. I have had some interesting experiences in my current school with regards to challenged materials where a parent or staff member has raised an objection. Each time has been a learning experience to all but after the first experience it highlighted to me how prepared I needed to be for opposition. It also taught me the importance of how important it was that I made the leadership teams in school aware of our challenged materials policy and our collection development policy so that they could not make knee jerk reactions to ask for materials to be removed. It has also highlighted to me how the country you live in and their laws and politics can make challenging censorship and welcoming open minded views difficult. In my context the conservative views and Singapore’s laws on homosexuality have certainly been a barrier to this.

Librarians are tasked with the job of of being an advocate of freedom of speech and in module two we looked at diversity in children’s literature and I blogged about that here. Diversity includes lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ)  literature which can often be considered a sub genre of realistic fiction.  There are so many quality titles with LQBTQ themes. I was very pleased to discover the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) which is a group in the American Library Association and they have a useful toolkit of resources to help librarians faced with challenges to LGBTQ materials in their libraries

The picture book, And Tango makes three (Parnell & Richardson, 2005) is based on the true story of two male penguins in New York City’s Central Park Zoo who adopted an abandoned penguin egg and raised Tango after he hatched. This story was removed and pulped from the National Libraries of Singapore and has been included on Banned Book Lists and censored in US libraries for years. Magnuson (2011) studied the challenges of this book in Perceptions of the Self and “Other:” An Analysis to the Challenges to And Tango Makes Three. As interesting reflection is that all of the conversations and controversy that surrounded these decisions resulted in a lot of publicity, both positive and negative.

Despite my open minded views, the reading this week made me think how much we do censor to a degree in my library and how some censorship is arguably appropriate. My library is for primary school aged children and we shelve, label and display books for the appropriateness of the population we are working with. We have a restricted borrowing section which includes books on puberty, safe touch and reproduction and also labelling on books that could be scary or confronting for some children. We also have reminders set in our catalogue of books that may not be appropriate for younger children and will talk to them, their teachers or parents before allowing them to borrow.

In a secondary school or adult library there are different implications. Our secondary school library enjoys promoting Banned Book Week,  This is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read and it spotlights current and historical attempts to censor books in libraries and schools. This is such a perfect way to entice the teenagers who are often more disengaged with reading to be enticed into interesting conversations about this very important topic.


American Library Association. (1996-2015). Banned books week. In Banned & challenged books.  Retrieved from

Baker, V. (2015). Battle of the bans: US author Judy Blume interviewed about trigger warnings, book bannings and children’s literature today. Retrieved from

Givens, C. (2009). Hidden forms of censorship and their impact. Bookbird, 47(3), 22-28. Retrieved from

Magnuson, M. (2011). Perceptions of the self and “Other:” An analysis to the challenges to And Tango Makes Three. School Library Research, 14. Retrieved Oct. 2016.

Office for Intellectual Freedom (2002). Intellectual freedom manual (6th ed.). Chicago: American Library Association.

Developing a Library Collection

I have only been working in the library for a few months and have been aware of our library policies but many of them I have not had to look at in great depth at this point.  There has not been the time to analyse them or think deeply about them as every day has been so busy with teaching, managing the library and constantly learning about everything this new role entails.  So it is quite timely that I am looking at our collection management policy in more depth through this subject, ELT503, Resourcing the Curriculum.  At this time of year we are creating our library budget and looking at the curriculum for next academic year so it is useful to be referring to these policies when making collection decisions.  Johnson states that “collection is both an art and a science.  It results from a combination of knowledge, experience and intuition” (2009, p.108).  However, teacher librarians (TLs) need to ensure that they are not relying solely on intuition or opinion, but instead using their experience and knowledge of selection aids and selection criteria to ensure that the collection is developed to meet the needs of the school and the curriculum (Hughes-Hassell and Mancall , 2005;  NSW Department of Education, 2015 ).

My school, Dulwich College (Singapore), has consulted with all of the other Dulwich College International (DCI) Schools and a working party of Teacher Librarians (TLs), have created TL standards for all of the colleges (Slaats, 2016).  To create these standards, the TL’s consulted many standards that are used internationally. These standards are used for TLs as part of the performance review process. There are four standards involved and each one looks at a different aspect of the TL role. Standard two involves Library Collection development to support teaching, learning and reading.  Within each standard there are three levels: beginning, developing and mastering.

At a mastering level it is expected that the librarian develops the library collection to enhance, stimulate and promote the diverse curricular, personal, and professional needs of students and teachers.  They develop and maintain online guides to enable and promote access when and where needed to the library resources, and information / instructions on library related skills and fluencies. The librarian pro-actively supports teachers to embed EAL and other learner’s needs in their practice. The library collection reflects the cultural diversity in the college and the wider community, and provides students with opportunities to explore their own cultural identity and many native languages in depth.

In addition, there is a Dulwich College (Singapore) Library Policy (2016), which includes a section on Collection Development.  The content of each DCI Library Collection is determined by curriculum requirements, student needs and the international nature of its patron body as set by each College. It aims to:

• Provide a wide variety of resources suitable for all student ages and ability levels, learning needs and styles.

• Offer access to relevant internal and external resources (e.g. Intranet, Internet, Inter-Library loans), and to encourage students to use technology effectively and responsibly.

• Place principle above personal opinion and reason above prejudice in the selection of materials, reflecting a broad spectrum of knowledge, cultures and thought.

When reviewing these policies only one area that I think could be added in the Dulwich College documents is the importance of collaboration (NSW Handbook for School Libraries, 2015). These collection decisions should not be the sole decision of a TL, but in collaboration with teachers, students, parents and school management.   A collection policy should be constantly evolving and regularly consulted so I will look to make these changes with my TL collegues. (NSW Handbook for School Libraries, 2015)


Chandler, P  & Taylor, L. (2016) Dulwich College (Singapore) Library Policy. (Working paper).

Hughes-Hassell, S. & Mancall, J. (2005). Collection management for youth: responding to the needs of learners [ALA Editions version]. Retrieved from

Johnson, P. (2009). Fundamentals of collection development and management. Chicago: ALA Editions.

NSW Department of Education. (2015). Handbook for School Libraries.  Retrieved from NSW Department of Education Policy Library database and related documents.

Slaats, M., Beck, S., & Taylor, L. (2016). Dulwich College International Librarian Standards. (Working paper).