ETL504: Assignment 2 Part B – Reflection

What Makes A Good Leader? A question asked at the beginning of term that has ballooned throughout the course. Initially, my understanding was particular qualities possessed by leaders were crucial to being a good leader, however, my own experiences throughout this term, the module content and the case studies have shaped my increased understanding of leadership.

I discussed in my own personal experiences of missing our school principal because of his humour and that was a quality that made him a good leader (Bernard, 2020a), however, my understanding has grown to know that humour in itself is not the quality of great leadership. My principal is missed because he was an inspirational leader who had a strong strategic plan and sense of direction for the school. We were able to function as a family unit because he adopted a flexible transformational leadership style that worked for the voices within his school community. He ensured we were focused on our direction, and that was the improvement of our students. When he left, so did his direction and understanding of leadership.

This course through both content and case studies have developed my understanding of how teacher librarians can be leaders and the skills necessary to fulfil this important role. Module 6 taught me that teacher librarians are in the optimal position to enact change for students, teachers and the wider school community. Teacher librarians support the diverse needs of students and foster an environment that encourages and celebrates innovation, creative thinking and exploration (American Association of School Librarians, 2013). Since teacher librarians are often lone figures within the school community, this provides ample opportunity for collaboration between teachers and students, drawing attention to the goals of the school, providing quality education to all.

Working in Group 7 for the case studies highlighted the importance of communication skills in any leadership team. With dwindling numbers and outside forces playing havoc on the mind, it was hard to stay motivated, however, Nicola provided our group with direction and positive authority (Walmsley, 2020). Case Study 4 (Bernard, 2020b) provided us with an opportunity to apply change management processes through a SWOT analysis of the rapidly changing nature of schools due to COVID and the necessity for leaders to inspire innovative thinking within all members. The case studies encouraged us to think reflectively, a key trait for leaders, on the events unfolding and how to flexibly respond to them.

The case studies highlighted three crucial areas of leadership needed to be successful. Communication is necessary in any group, however, open and active channels of communication need to be utilised. Leaders are fundamental in fostering the environment in which these channels can grow.

Strategically planning is required to achieve any goal. Leaders are able to inspire, delegate and support all individuals to ensure the focus of the goal is at the forefront and the team are working efficiently to reach it.

Collaboration is a fundamental component to strategic planning. Leaders promote environments that encourage collaboration and celebration of team successes to motivate each member.


American Association of School Librarians. (2013). Empowering Learners: Guidelines for school library programs. American Association of School Librarians.

Bernard, P. (2020a). What make a good leader [Blog]

Bernard, P. (2020b). Case study 4 Forum: Case study 4 Thread: Case study 4, group 7.

Walmsley, N. (2020). Nicola Walmsley – Teacher Librarian [Blog]

INF533: Assessment 4: Part C: Critical Reflection

Word Count: 750

Originally when approaching this subject, Literature In Digital Environments, I had a basic understanding that technology and books combined are eBooks, however, eBooks would not take over the publishing industry. Throughout this course I have explored the vast nature of digital literature, the ebb and flow of trends, the impact of digital storytelling and interactive texts can have on both teaching and learning as well as how to create these stories and implement them within the classroom myself. In my Introduction Post to the unit I noted my limited knowledge and practices, however, I failed to note my hesitation towards implementing digital literature as I was unaware of what is considered quality literature.

Throughout this course I have constantly referred to Serafini & Young (2013) because the article left a resounding understanding of what digital texts look like and what they offer in the classroom. The importance of having quality literature and pedagogies that allow students to explore the 4 areas mentioned by Serafini & Young has shaped the way I teach and the way I look at digital literature.

In Assignment 1 I did not understand the extensiveness of digital formats out there and stuck with limited choices rather than expanding my search and utilizing the time to find outstanding texts for my classroom. Digital literature provides a lot of choice for teachers to select from, however, the course has provided us with the resources and tools to select quality criteria (Walsh, 2013; Yokota & Teale, 2014) and as a result quality literature. Reflecting on my choices I regret not expanding into the wider web and selecting quality websites that engage students on a deeper level and provide more opportunities for controlling the narrative as there are numerous categories of digital narratives (Groth, 2018) that I was unaware of and unwilling to explore.

Another reference that has resonated with my understanding of digital literature is Tackvic (2012). Tackvic highlights the importance of teaching digital literature in a way that students can utilize the skills and technologies in a variety of circumstances as these will pave the way for students being 21st century citizens. Students need to understand the fundamental skills and advance their technology tools to maintain their role in a technology driven and focused world. Knowing how crucial it is that students have the capabilities to source their own information, read and create digital literature to share and analyse and to develop their own unique outlook on the digital world encourages the use of quality, authentic and numerous digital experiences that allow students to explore the digital world in an engaging way.

Tackvic (2012) discusses that through digital platforms, students can find the process of writing less challenging and more engaging. A great example being utilized in my classroom is Pobble365 where students select an image, discuss with a friend and then write a narrative in GoogleDocs and submit the narrative within the session. Students locate their own inspiration or be guided by the teacher’s choice. Digital photos have opened avenues for creativity and unique expressions of self that may have been more challenging to create by hand originally.

Alexander (2011) discussed how narratives have changed and examples of how storytelling occurs in the digital world. Alexander provided an understanding of the various forms that storytelling can be found and helped to create a framework of the ways in which students can explore narratives in a new perspective. Shifting the perspective from consumer to creator allows students to become collaborators and producers of creative narratives (Mills & Levido, 2011) that express themselves  in unique light.


One area that I am working to improve on is the implementation of copyright with digital texts. For the Digital Storytelling Project, I thought my idea was sound, however, creating a digital product is not a remake and I had failed to think of the copyright stance of creating a digital remake. Digital texts commonly use other sources and materials, but issues can be rectified with knowledge and learning. Teaching creative commons licensing and the importance of referencing correctly assist students in developing a better understanding and avoidance of major issues (Agnew, 2009).

This course has expanded my knowledge of digital narratives in multiple ways and I am thankful that my pedagogies have shifted to meet the needs of my students, co-workers and wider community.

Part C References:

Agnew, G. (2009, September 3). Restrictions of digital rights management [Video file]. Retrieved from

Alexander, B. (2011). Storytelling: A tale of two generations, Chapter 1. In The new digital storytelling: Creating narratives with new media. ABC-CLIO. Retrieved from

Bernard, P. (2019, July 28). INF533 Assignment Post 1 [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Groth, S. (2018, May 20). Still defining digital literature [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Mills, K.A., & Levido, A. (2011). iPed: Pedagogy for digital text production. The Reading Teacher, 65(1), 80-91, doi: 10.1598/RT.65.1.11

Serafini, F., & Youngs, S. (2013) Reading Workshop 2.0. Reading Teacher. 66(5), 401-404.

Tackvic, C. (2012). Digital storytelling: Using technology to spark creativityThe Educational Forum, 76(4), 426.

Walsh, M. (2013). Literature in a digital environment (Ch. 13). In L. McDonald (Ed.), A literature companion for teachers. Marrickville, NSW: Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA).

Yokota, J. & Teale, W. H. (2014). Picture books and the digital world: educators making informed choices. The Reading Teacher, 34(6). Retrieved from Making_Informed_Choices

Module 2.2: Challenges of using digital literature in the classroom

There is an enormous difference between facility with technology and being able to engage with the content of digital literature. How can you alter your pedagogy to ensure technology and digital literature is embedded in your educational practices?

The alterations need in my pedagogy needs to focus on the quality of the literature being used within the classroom. Technology can be used as a ‘hook’ for student engagement, however, if this hook provides no other value than novelty then the technology isn’t being utilised to its fullest capacity. Digital literacy and inquiry tasks need to have substance and provide students with connections to larger contexts. As discussed by Serafini & Young (2013) the opportunities to have quality digital experiences surrounding literature can be accessed through the reading, sharing, discussing and analysing activities and lessons, but they need to provide value to the students. Context and the ability to apply skills in a range of situations, especially from digital environments is crucial to teach to students. The challenge is finding the balance with engaging students and providing them the quality opportunities to expand their learning and love of literature.

Serafini, F., & Youngs, S. (2013) Reading Workshop 2.0. Reading Teacher. 66(5), 401-404.

Module 2.1: Digital environments

Think about your own journey as an educator – what has changed in your teaching practice over the course of your career with regards to technology use and literature? Is that change embedded at a core level, or is it a matter of changing tools?

Having only graduated at the end of last year my teaching career hasn’t been a long one so far, however I am still learning and growing in terms of technology use and combining literature with technology. I got placed on a 3/4 class at the beginning of the term and their use of technology was amazing. I quickly got up to scratch on utilising Google Classroom and how to incorporate digital technology in any form of lesson. I had not heard of Wushka before and the students really enjoy reading texts from the Chromebooks. Students also have a Chromebook each, which was unheard of in any of my other teaching experiences. Students engage with literature in a different way and are able to access thousands of stories at a drop of a hat.

My teaching practice has to evolve to incorporate the teaching of new formats and teaching students how to develop their own multimodal texts, which is part of the English syllabus. I also utilise Seesaw which is an app where students can record themselves discussing literature and share that with members of the class, creating a stronger sense of meaning and formatting their ideas to be vocally coherent. The change is not a matter of tools but understanding and teaching students how to engage with this new format that is constantly evolving. Serafini & Youngs (2013) discuss how students are still decoding language, however, the structures and formats being presented are different and teachers need to ensure students have the skills to understand these changes. Sharing, such as on Seesaw, has also become global and students are able to participate in social situations to share, discuss and analyse texts online. I am an active consumer of ‘BookTube’ and discuss novels frequently with friends all over the world and I would like to incorporate it more in my classroom next term.

Serafini, F., & Youngs, S. (2013) Reading Workshop 2.0. Reading Teacher. 66(5), 401-404.

Module 1.1: Evaluating digitally reproduced stories

After completing the above readings, consider Walsh’s chapter, and share your knowledge, understanding and experiences with digital narratives in the subject forum. What are the key points of synergy that you have encountered? What are the differences?

My experiences of utilising digital narratives is extremely limited. I am familiar with the ‘traditional literature re-presented in a digital space’ (Walsh, 2013) and have viewed Dust Echoes before but did not understand the value or consider the website as literature. Digital narratives feel overwhelming due to the various hybrid forms that they can be presented in, however, the value of engaging readers and presenting meaning-making in new and authentic ways should hopefully outweigh any hesitations that I or other teachers may be facing. As a future Teacher Librarian I need to formulate a deep understanding of how to best invoke the learning of students and foster that love of literature so prevalent in today’s society.

Unsworth’s (2006) provides categories to assist in developing an understanding of the e-literature environment how the continuum of literature is constantly merging, evolving and innovating. Key uses of synergy is to foster a deeper sense of engagement and provoke more from the story, whether that be emotions and reactions from the reader, connecting to a wider audience or emphasising a point within the narrative. Traditional literature can synthesise a combination of literacy techniques to provoke more but engaging more senses like touch navigation or audio combinations with visuals further impact on the reading experience.

Unsworth, L. (2006). E-literature for children. Enhancing digital literacy learning. Routledge, London.

Walsh, M. (2013). Literature in a digital environment (Ch. 13). In L. McDonald (Ed.), A literature companion for teachers. Marrickville, NSW: Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA).

INF533 Assignment Post 1

Is the printed book dead?

As an avid physical reader the thought of the demise of printed books is almost incomprehensible, however, digital literature environments have continued to expand as technological advances have been made. The increase of electronic modes of communication is a step as revolutionary as the mobile printing press (Rettberg, 2012), however, the chances of printed books ‘dying out’ are over-exaggerated by media sources (Darnton, 2009). The impact of this shift is the notion that humanity have entered into the ‘information age’ and as the library is an information service (Darnton, 2009), it is a necessity that in my profession of Teacher Librarian, the maintenance and up-kept of changes and developments is crucial to our knowledge and skills.

The influx of digital literature and technology and tools are utilised due to what they can add to literature, rather than to replace physical literature. Sadokierski (2013) discusses that the value of the electronic book (eBooks) is through what eBooks can offer that print books cannot. The one of the most appealing aspects of eBooks is the efficiency, immediacy and variety available. Librarians can incorporate digital literature to provide reluctant readers with a novel experience, create new texts that dynamically interacts with the readers and offer support within the classroom. Felvegi & Matthew (2012) address the potential that electronic texts can reduce costs in both storage and production, provide opportunities for diverse learning locations and shift teaching pedagogy to assist students in developing the 21st century skills necessary.

As a new graduate, my experience in the classroom and library environment are quite limited and my current knowledge and practices in play are reversed to using Wushka and a variety of digital uses through Google Suite. Walsh (2013) articulates the differing components of digital environments and the digital forms present currently. The digital environments are engaging readers in a unique way that teachers need to be present of and incorporate these skills into their teaching and learning.


Darnton, R. (2009). The information landscape, Chapter 2 in The case for books by Robert Darnton,  New York: Pubic Affairs pp. 21-41  

Flevegi, E. & Matthew, K.I. (2012). eBooks and literacy in K-12 schools, Computers in the schools, 29(1-2), 40-52. DOI: 10.1080/07380569.2012.651421

Rettberg, J.W. (2012). Electronic literature seen from a distance: the beginnings of a field. Retrieved from

Sadokierski, Z. (2013, November 12). What is a book in the digital age? [Web log post]. Retrived from

Walsh, M. (2013). Literature in a digital environment (Ch. 13). In L. McDonald (Ed.), A literature companion for teachers. Marrickville, NSW: Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA)

503 Assignment 2 Reflective Post

How the subject has extended your knowledge and understanding of the role and nature of school library collections.

The original concept of the role of the Teacher Librarian (TL) and their collection was to foster a passion for books, maintain their quality and create a safe environment for students (Bernard, 2019, March 13). Now, the understanding of a TL and their collection is to meet the needs, abilities and interests of all users and incorporate the larger school community. A collection is undertaking continual growth and development to reach and meet the needs of every user, both within the school environment and the wider school community. The role of the collection is to provide active instructional programs that engage students with the curriculum content in a variety of ways. IFLA (2015) present the expansive capabilities that libraries provide for students ranging from resource-based to personal and interpersonal capabilities (p.17) and the active TL is a facilitator to developing the capabilities through collaborative and engaging instruction.

The current focus is on the digital information and locating, critiquing and providing a large range of resources to enable digital learning and engagement with digital learners (Bernard, 2019, March 10). Furthermore, the TL incorporates the role of collaborator to introduce a wide variety of resources and formats both inside the classroom and with the wider school environment, providing support and flexibility in the learning environment (DeCourcy Hinds, 2015). Through collaboration and active involvement with the school community, the TL and the collection develop an understanding of the needs of the users and can future cater to these needs.

The importance of a collection development policy as a strategic document.

A Collection Development Policy was originally seen as a set of guidelines in the process of locating, selecting and acquiring resources (Bernard, 2019, March 12), however, Collection Development expands beyond the process and explores the needs of the students, staff, and wider school community. The CDP is utilised to create broad goals and aims that encompass the ethos of the school and reflects a diverse range of needs. A strong policy is present when the goals ensure that the collection is meeting both the needs of the current users but also the future users (ALIA, 2017). A strong collection and a strong CDP promote opportunities to the school community and provides a sense of direction for the individuals involved. The strength of a CDP comes from the transparency to the school community, with information resources being aligned with the set criteria already provided. A CDP that aligns with the curriculum content, interests, abilities and needs of the users supports the teaching and learning experiences within the school community and curates the collection to promote and engage learning. These clearly stated policies and procedures unite the TL and the wider school community and can be referred to in times of discrepancies. The CDP is used as a reference, protector of the collection (Johnson, 2018) and provides clear direction in the acquisition and de-selection processes rather than decision-making processes of students (Bernard, 2019, March 21).

How a collection development policy assists in future proofing the collection.

The CDP provides clear criteria to thoroughly evaluate and review the collection. Through this analysis and examination of the interaction with the current collection, TL’s shape their understanding and knowledge of the school interests, abilities and needs and curates the collection accordingly. The collection maintains balance, relevance and reliable information. Through the collaboration, support and drive of the wider school community the TL in turn supports the learning and teaching styles present in the school environment. As the ‘library’ becomes an increasingly digitally focused place. Irving (2019, May 17) discusses the importance of reviewing CDP’s to ensure that regarding new digital content students are receiving equal access, alongside a deep understanding of concepts such as Copyright. The incorporation of these concepts will assist the future users to have clear direction in the processes and resources available to them. Furthermore, Murphy (2019, May 12) expands on the question of where to begin when catering the CDP and collection for both current and future students when there is minimal resources to start. The beginning steps in the development of the collection would be crucial to mention in the goals of the CDP.

Overall, the knowledge gained throughout this course is crucial to the work of a future TL. The shift in understanding and expansion of information from simple definitions to full concepts with unique challenges assist in formulating direction and excitement to build upon the school’s collection.



Australian Library and Information Association School & Victorian Catholic Teacher Librarians. (2017). A manual for developing policies and procedures in Australian school library resources centres. (2nd ed.). Retrieved from:

Bernard, P. (2019, March 10). Response To Shatzkin’s Articles [Online Discussion Comment]. Retrieved from Charles Sturt University

Bernard, P. (2019, March 12). Definitions of Collection Management and Collection Development [Online Discussion Comment]. Retrieved from Charles Sturt University 

Bernard, P. (2019, March 13). My Understanding of the Role of TLs [Thinkspace Blog]. Retrieved from

Bernard, P. (2019, March 21). Week 3 503 Post! [Thinkspace Blog]. Retrieved from

DeCourcy Hinds, J. (2015, March 15). Building a Library from Scratch. School Library Journal. Retrieved from

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. (2015). IFLA school library guidelines. Retrieved from:

Irving, K. (2019, May 17). New Digital Content in the Collection and the resulting Changes in the CDP [Online Discussion Comment]. Retrieved from Charles Sturt University

Johnson, P. (2018). Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management 4th Edition. Chicago: ALA Editions. Retrieved from

Murphy, C. (2019, May 12). Digital areas needing coverage in your collection development policy [Online Discussion Comment]. Retrieved from Charles Sturt University

401 Reflective Practice

Information Literacy is a larger concept than I realised. Originally, my understanding of the concept was the ‘traditional’ literate term of being able to read, write, listen, speak, view and understand a language and its meaning. This understanding stemmed from the English Syllabus and how it was structured to view these components as the most important aspects of language. Information was known as the pieces of knowledge we collect to shape understanding and meaning within our world (Bernard, 2019, March 19). My understanding of information has shifted to a more relevant, concise and useful term and IL is the ability to create meaningful experiences and understanding through a range of skills interacting with information (Wallace & Husid, 2017). It is through the application of IL models that I now have the understanding I do today.

The strongest connection I had to an IL framework throughout this subject was Six Frames for Information Literacy Education (Bruce, Edwards & Lupton, 2015). Information Literacy is a fluid concept and dependent on the context and the purpose of the task required. The Six Frames understanding about the different applications of IL solidified. Each task will provide students with new areas of information to explore and as a TL, we must adopt the various roles to ensure students are exploring and developing a deep understanding of all aspects of IL, not just the ‘frame’ we identify with most. The right information resources and strategies morph depending on the subject content and IL is equipping students will the skills to navigate the changing environment and understand the organisation of information (Talja & Lloyd, 2010).

Challenges will arise through resistance to change and the continually fluid nature of information. Students and teachers need to constantly adapt and update the skills to work with IL. It is a set of skills and a way of learning. It is the identification and understanding of information to pass on ideas, but it is also a way of learning how to transfer information across a wide variety of settings, an extension of the current knowledge to delve deeper into a concept.

Due to my limited knowledge of IL, the introduction of models was a learning curb. IL models incorporate the steps and IL skills needed to complete an inquiry task. The models allow for exploration of a topic and the movement between not knowing to understanding. Models incorporate inquiry learning to shape the movement of learning and includes reflection to apply learning into a range of contexts. Exploring the different models available, knowing my students’ need, the GID model promoted engagement, interaction and in-depth exploration, rather than a step by step exploration.

The TL role’s has expanded beyond my original understanding as a store-keeper of books and an instigator for a lifelong love of literacy (Bernard, 2019, March 13). The TL’s role focuses on the transferal of knowledge in all forms and becoming information specialists, managers and leaders (ASLA, 2019). Inquiry learning allows TL’s to become a facilitator, skill builder and supplier whilst developing classroom teachers’ understanding and own skills to further assist the students.

TL’s have become a central force in developing community projects and through the application of IL models, students are able to combine their own interests with making a difference in the larger community context and generating real-world applications to transfer their skills between.

Learning is a continual and lifelong challenge. It allows for skills to be honed and understanding to bloom. Reflection allows for greater learning to take place where it may have been lacking. I realise that my interaction with information, especially in the form of blog posts is very lacking and has created a greater challenge for me, however, I am able to note and grow in this digital landscape and ensure that next time I will have a higher focus, not just engaging with the material but digging in deep and apply my IL into a range of contexts and environments to receive a boost my learning and demonstrate my own knowledge, even if that is just to myself.


Australian School Library Association (2019). Retrieved from

Bernard, P. (2019, March 13). My Understanding of the Role of TLs [Thinkspace Blog]. Retrieved from Charles Sturt University

Bernard, P. (2019, March 19). Thinking About Information [Online Discussion Comment]. Retrieved from Charles Sturt University

Bruce, C., Edwards, S., & Lupton, M. (2006). Six frames for information literacy education: A conceptual framework for interpreting the relationships between theory and practice. ITALICS, 5(1).

Talja, S. & Lloyd, A. (2010). Integrating theories of learning, literacies and information practices. In Talja, S. & Lloyd, A. (2010). Practising information literacy: Bringing theories of learning, practice and information literacy together. WaggaWagga, NSW: Centre for Information Studies.

Wallace, V. & Husid, W. (2017). Collaborating for Inquiry-Based Learning: School Librarians and Teachers Partner For Student Achievement. 2nd ed. Santa Barbara, Ca: Libraries Unlimited.

21.3.19 – Week 3 503 Post!

2.1 Decision-making model – it’s for consideration rather than a yes or no answer. Does it fit with:

2.2 Mosle is responding to a particular issue related to change in the US Common Core curriculum where literary non-fiction is receiving attention. Is tension between fiction and non-fiction a trend you have seen in your workplace?

2.2 Think of an occasion when you have witnessed tension between what a teacher or student is looking for and what a library collection holds.

  • To respond to the think activities in Module 2, Section 2.2 I would have to be in a position to witness such events within the workplace, since I am a casual with little experience and mainly focus at a school that does not have a librarian and hasn’t for the past 3 years it is hard to comment on whether there is tension or not, since the use of the library is a space meant for students to calm down rather than a kingpin within the school community.

2.3 Locate a library curating on, Pinterest, LibGuides or another tool and write a short review of this curation channel and the content that has been curated.

Radford College Secondary Library on

  • Exploration of has opened my eyes to a new method of organisation and a way to promote topics that are of high value to myself and the school community. Whilst Radford College’s hasn’t been curated for a few years, the topics they did cover show a very interesting and connective school community.
  • The curators have incorporated sections for students and teachers presenting learning topics, professional development, relatable text lists and important areas of health, such as wellbeing for both teachers and students to access. They have covered numerous key areas of learning and present it in a straightforward and visual way for their users. Their scoops were current for the times and focus on the ‘hot’ topics. The topics and scoops that they follow also provide numerous avenues for students and teachers to explore.

I feel my professional knowledge is going to benefit from provided I can find the most recent and up-to-date content.

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