21.3.19 – Week 3 503 Post!

2.1 Decision-making model – it’s for consideration rather than a yes or no answer. Does it fit with:

2.2 Mosle is responding to a particular issue related to change in the US Common Core curriculum where literary non-fiction is receiving attention. Is tension between fiction and non-fiction a trend you have seen in your workplace?

2.2 Think of an occasion when you have witnessed tension between what a teacher or student is looking for and what a library collection holds.

  • To respond to the think activities in Module 2, Section 2.2 I would have to be in a position to witness such events within the workplace, since I am a casual with little experience and mainly focus at a school that does not have a librarian and hasn’t for the past 3 years it is hard to comment on whether there is tension or not, since the use of the library is a space meant for students to calm down rather than a kingpin within the school community.

2.3 Locate a library curating on Scoop.it, Pinterest, LibGuides or another tool and write a short review of this curation channel and the content that has been curated.

Radford College Secondary Library on Scoop.it

  • Exploration of Scoop.it has opened my eyes to a new method of organisation and a way to promote topics that are of high value to myself and the school community. Whilst Radford College’s Scoop.it hasn’t been curated for a few years, the topics they did cover show a very interesting and connective school community.
  • The curators have incorporated sections for students and teachers presenting learning topics, professional development, relatable text lists and important areas of health, such as wellbeing for both teachers and students to access. They have covered numerous key areas of learning and present it in a straightforward and visual way for their users. Their scoops were current for the times and focus on the ‘hot’ topics. The topics and scoops that they follow also provide numerous avenues for students and teachers to explore.

I feel my professional knowledge is going to benefit from Scoop.it provided I can find the most recent and up-to-date content.

One thought on “21.3.19 – Week 3 503 Post!

  • March 24, 2019 at 8:28 PM

    I love the flow chart!!!! You really worked the colour scheme!


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