Week Progress Report

Full Name Nithin Reddy Kethiri
Student ID 11693037
Subject ITC 571 Emerging Technology and Innovation
Assignment No: 1 Weekly Progress Report
Due Date Week 12



NAME  Nithin Reddy Kethiri
PROJECT TITLE  A Survey of Challenges and features of Mobile Social Networking based on IoT based Applications
WEEK NO  01 DATE  31/07/2020
Selecting the topic and reading articles Selecting the topic and finding the few articles based on research. Chose few topics and researched regarding those topics
 Faced some difficulties while selecting and doing a research on that topic.  31/07/2020 Selected the suitable topic for me.    Y

A Survey of Challenges and features of Mobile Social Networking based on IoT based Applications


Mobile social networking is used to enable the interaction between humans and device. The social internet of things crates relationships between devices and humans by establishing human characteristics and it depends on the requirements of the human. It is achieved by improving network scalability (Ranjbaran, 2019).

Project Problem Domain

Internet of things struggles with security problem and hence it requires some security mechanisms. Interoperability is the major issues in IoT and it arises when various devices communicate among each other. When designing the routing protocols, scalability become an issue. When dealing with IoT environment, it has limited resources and limited battery power. So, these are the challenges in IoT. The mobile social networking is appreciable for security implementation in IoT (Sobin, 2020).

Research Questions

  1. How the security issues are eliminated with mobile social networking?
  2. What are the characteristics of mobile social networking?
  3. How IoT based applications are benefited by mobile social networking?
  4. How these two concepts are integrated?
  5. What are the advantages of mobile networking in IoT?


Personal Project

While sharing the resources in IoT environment, reliability becomes a challenge and hence it is resolved by using social internet concept. A dynamic social networking is formed by social IoT based on the principles. Social mobile IoT cloud technique is used to combine the resources obtained from different devices and it is used to provide requirements for other co-location devices by using matching theory.

Fig 1: Social IoT Framework for Sharing Resource (Manshaei, 2019)

Where, [Qi, j] = preference matrix

V[j]     = maximum number of devices

S[i]       = maximum number of requests

By using the matching theory, it is possible to share the resources between heterogeneous devices.

Project Objectives

The mobile social networking aims at various IoT based applications like smart college, vehicular social networks, etc. Mobile social networking has the capability to remove the issues associated with the applications. For example, issues related with content dissemination are eliminated by using mobile road side units. In this, vehicles are considered as the mobile nodes which gains content from base station and mobile RSU collects the network behaviour to resolve the issues (Bitaghsir, 2019).


By using the mobile social network in internet of things based application, it will provide the accurate results. This is used widely for security purpose and hence, IoT system utilizes the mobile network intrusion detection to detect the malicious attacks with the help of transfer learning algorithm along with public database (Deng, 2019).


The information on mobile social networking is provided by analysing various sources like IEEE journals and springer journals. Those papers provide the detailed information of the research topic and it will be helpful for future research.


Bitaghsir, S. A., Kashipazha, S., Dadlani, A., & Khonsari, A. (2019). Social-aware mobile road side unit for content distribution in vehicular social networks. 2019 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 1 – 6. https://doi.org/10.1109/iscc47284.2019.8969669

Deng, L., Li, D., Yao, X., Cox, D., & Wang, H. (2018). Mobile network intrusion detection for IoT system based on transfer learning algorithm. Cluster Computing22(S4), 9889-9904. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-018-1847-2

Ranjbaran, S., Manshaei, M. H., & Nitti, M. (2019). A social-aware approach for federated IoT-mobile cloud using matching theory. 2019 IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 554 – 559. https://doi.org/10.1109/wf-iot.2019.8767286

Ranjbaran, S., Manshaei, M. H., & Nitti, M. (2019). A social-aware approach for federated IoT-mobile cloud using matching theory. 2019 IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 554 – 559. https://doi.org/10.1109/wf-iot.2019.8767286

Sobin, C. C. (2020). A survey on architecture, protocols and challenges in IoT. Wireless Personal Communications112(3), 1383-1429. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-020-07108-5

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