INF533 – Module 4

Digital Storytelling is primarily a blending of different media forms, in order to tell a story. These can a mix of visual and audio, digital pictures and hand drawn images. One example of this is Gabriel Conte’s Draw My Life.

Many are telling their stories through Facebook and Instagram and even going to YouTube as a medium (See above video for an example). Storytelling doesn’t change, however, the medium does. We, as humans, still tell stories but how we tell them, changes depending on preferences. Some prefer to tell their stories orally face-to-face, others prefer to tell them written (blog post, in a letter etc) and others prefer to use multimedia and other digital forms.

What we as classroom teachers and Teacher Librarians need to understand and ensure, is that the digital storytelling is embedded within the curriculum and not used in place of something else, just because they can.

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