INF533 – Assignment 2: YouVersion Bible App + Audio, Everyday Verse, Free review

I have chosen a Bible App to review, YouVersion Bible App + Audio, Everyday Verse, Free (referred to as YouVersion Bible App) published by Life.Church. This app has a rating of 4.7/5 and has over 2 million reviews. Of the Bible Apps on the Google Play Store (I have an Android device), this one was the most recommended after the advertisements and having looked at other apps, this was the most comprehensive.

The YouVersion Bible App gives the user a Bible verse of the day as well as a corresponding picture that can be saved to their device or shared to social media platforms. Users are able to connect with friends and can gain badges to show different achievements within the app. The badges can be for something as simple as creating a note about a particular Bible verse. Users also are able to highlight relevant sections of the verses that they are most drawn to and can revisit those particular sections later. There are also offline versions of the Bible that can be downloaded for times when an Internet connection is unavailable.

Different languages are available, including French, German, Afrikaans, Arabic and even Pitjantjatjara; as well as different versions of the Bible. Versions of the Bible include English Standard Version (ESV), King James Version (KJV) and Modern English Version (MEV); however, there are several more to choose from. This allows for use of the app within classes where English may not be the language of instruction or for the app to be used within language classes, even if the school’s main language of instruction is English. The app can be customised to suit the Bible that is used within the specific Christianity based religion and it is quite easy to move between different versions of the Bible.

There is no cost associated with the app unless a user chooses to purchase a reading plan associated with the app. These plans are designed to help the user read more of the Bible and understand and analyse the contents; many are free but some have a cost associated. The plans are designed and produced by various churches or religious organisations associated with the publisher.

Within a class or even a library, the YouVersion Bible App can be a way to easily access the contents of the Bible and what messages are contained. Rather than flicking through a paper Bible when looking for a certain verse or book, a student can use the mobile app and mark the section and revisit during study time or Religious Education classes. This can also be used ‘on the go’ which can be helpful when completing homework (particularly Religious Education) on the bus or even at home if space is sparse.

I am not a trained Religious Education teacher (I am a secondary school, Legal Studies and English trained) nor have I ever participated within a Religious Education class; however I was christened Anglican as a child and have an interest in religion now that I am in my 20’s. I have found the app really great and the plans

informative; these, in particular, can be of use for students who are new to a school that has a Christian focus or for Year Eight students who may find the app more accessible than a printed Bible. The plans also could be implemented as part of the unit or as a homework task for the subject. For those who are particularly devout Christians, the daily quote images can be great ways to share their faith amongst their classmates and teachers. The daily quotes and the accompanying images could be used by the teachers in their morning homegroup sessions or as a point of reflection during the day.

A teacher librarian could enable access by ensuring that on all school mobile devices the app is downloaded and that there is a comprehensive guide for the teachers to use, particularly if they are temporary relief teachers. Overall, the YouVersion Bible App would be a brilliant resource for a school to have.

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