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Module 2.2 – Leadership Attributes

As I work through this module and read about leadership, it makes me wonder about various aspects of being a leader. 

I thought about what types of leaders we have directing our school. It pains me to say that I feel we have ‘Transactional Leadership’ (Smith, 2016). They lead and expect teachers to operate within a system and follow the rules. Different elements are being introduced but as teachers we have not been consulted or get a say, we have just been told to have an open mind. 

I wonder what type of leader I will be – I have told my coordinator that often I do not feel confident to lead. In saying that I recently had to act as coordinator, while she was away, and all went smoothly and I came away feeling more confident in my ability to lead. I wonder if it is because I have shown empathy, respect and care to the other teachers in my team (Gleeson, 2016).

Currently the Library Teacher is classed as a specialist and takes each class for one period a week. She tends to do her own thing. Library lessons for Prep to Year 2, revolve around reading a story, colouring a picture and then borrowing. For the Year 3 to 6’s, it is again reading a story and completing an activity and participating in silent reading. This term for all the classes she is focusing on all the CBCA books, reading one a week and she will get the 5/6’s to vote which is their favourite. She has done this every year since she was in the role. There is no collaboration with the teachers or desire to change to inspire the students. This is changing next year and there will be no library lessons as they are not valued and as our Head of Primary sees it, we are classroom teachers are trained and able to take our own library lessons. I was horrified, but also wonder, if I may be looked to for advice as many staff know I am training to be a Teacher Librarian and have many ideas.

When I am in the Teacher Librarian role, I would like to have a ‘Transformative Leadership’ (Smith, 2016). I want to involve the library team in decisions, I want to change how things run and not be stuck doing the same thing, because that is just how it is. The whole focus that libraries and schools exist is because of the students and currently the library is doing a disservice to the students and needs a new vision and purpose to support the teachers and students. 


Smith, B. (2016). The role of leadership style in creating a great school. SELU Research Review Journal, 1(1), 65-78. https://selu.usask.ca/documents/research-and-publications/srrj/SRRJ-1-1-Smith.pdf

Gleeson, B. (2016, November 9). 10 unique perspectives on what makes a great leader. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/brentgleeson/2016/11/09/10-unique-perspectives-on-what-makes-a-great-leader/#276777b95dd1

Website Evaluation

When looking at the samples of website evaluations, which to use would depend on what year level it would be needed for. I wonder if ones that are a full page, are these too much and would students quickly disengage because completing it would be too much work.

I have put together a very simple table that could be used with upper primary students and would be a starting point that I am sure with more experience, or student input, it could be added to or changed. I don’t think this could be used with a 1/2 class but these topics could definitely be introduced and talked about to get them thinking about the websites that they might be searching.

Questions to ask yourself when looking at websites? Yes No
Does the website look legit?
Does it include the author’s name?
Does it include the date of publication?
Is it the author’s opinion or facts?
Are credible sources included on the site?
Has it been published by a known publisher or company? 


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