This module introduced the Dewey System. I have always liked the Dewey System – it makes sense and keeps the library organised – no I don’t use it at home with my own library collection! I enjoyed teaching it to the students to get them to understand and find resources they were looking for.
As part of assignment three we were required to search through WebDewey and work out the different classifications of resources. It was an interesting task, some followed an easy path, some required a little more thought and the use of tables (I had no idea these existed). We were also required to compare the difference with that of the Trove records. Sometimes the Trove record classification made more sense. When I asked the librarian and technician to look over my assignment, they made the comment that they like the format that I had presented it in and wished there was a website that could compare the SCIS record and the Trove record and then as the librarian you could make the decision as to which classification you could follow.
This whole subject is based around metadata and with the comments from the library staff, it had me thinking, why don’t we have access to things like this to make our jobs easier? Each library may do things differently and that should be ok. The discussion about genrefication came up again – I am still on the fence. One thought of discussion was genrefying the fiction and non-fiction together. This could potentially be a good idea, but what happens with some fiction books that may not necessarily have a particular genre they align to, or would rather be kept separate. Only time will tell what happens with this discussion.
I have only touched the surface with Dewey and I feel there is still plenty that I need to learn. I just have to wait until I am in the role to continue practising and learning.