After completing this module, I am feeling overwhelmed, but I am also looking forward to the challenge of the teacher librarian role.
When I look at the library’s current situation, many elements are missing. The mission statement was completed in 2010, and I can not find an updated version. What the mission statement and rationale explained may have been relevant and used back then, but they need to be updated to reflect the current educational and school strategic policies. The library is doing a disservice to the students and staff, but I must remember that the current library coordinator is not a trained teacher librarian and feels she is doing her best.
I have created a list of the required planning documents outlined in this module to help keep me on track when I am potentially in the teacher librarian role at the school. These include:
- Finding and, if necessary, rewriting the policy documents – I can use what I learned in ETL503 to help.
- Create Strategic Planning documents
- Create a Mission Statement
- Create a Vision Statement
- Documentation—Library Operations Checklist—Using the National Library of NZ checklist (n.d) to help, compile a folder (physical, online, or both) that has all of this documentation easily accessible.
- Create procedures for how things should be completed. I have been told that these are currently in the coordinator’s head, but if she were to leave tomorrow, it would not be helpful for anyone.
While this is a start, and I am sure there will be more to complete, it is very eye-opening to see what is required to keep a library together and running. I have always known that it differs from a classroom, but I did not know the exact details needed, especially in an emergency. Again, I have no idea if there is anything in place if something were to happen to the library. Is it a wait-and-see assessment?
I will have to take one step at a time and gather a few other staff members around me to make taking on the library less overwhelming. Wong (2012) states that a library committee should be established to represent the interests of the stakeholders. Allowing the library to be represented in wider circles and not classed as an island.
I am looking forward to putting what I have been learning into practice, even though it is overwhelming. I don’t understand the extent of the mess that I am walking into. Thankfully, I have a good working relationship with the technician and assistant, and I hope that I will be able to lead them and take the library in a more positive and futuristic direction.
National Library of New Zealand. (n.d) Getting started in your school library: An operations checklist.
Wong, T. (2012). Strategic long-range planning. Library Media Connection, 31(2), 22-23.