There is so much that was changed and updated since I last looked into copyright. Change and updates are a good thing in moving forward as the rules and regulations can make it easier (hopefully) to follow and apply. 

With the enhancement of technology there are many different licences that cover what we are able to research and present in the classroom. When I was first teaching if we wanted to play a video we were told that it had to be in our planning and then it could be justified that we were able to have the students watch it. Today with the Co-curricular licence we are covered. 

It was always the rule that we could only copy 10%, and whilst this still seems to be a good guideline, there is now a little bit of leeway in that you can copy a little more provided it doesn’t cause harm to the owner. There are certainly more changes with copying in that if a book is out of print or unavailable to buy, you can certainly copy more. 

Something to certainly remember and get into the habit of doing is providing attributions. This is something that all teachers should be encouraged to complete so that if the school gets audited, it may make the process easier. The Smart Copying website is a handy website to refer to when needing to find out information about copyright. 

Creative Commons has changed the way we are able to use images. It is a great way to find an image whilst giving credit to the person who took the image. I was able to use quite a few images for my assignment in ETL501 in 2021, so I was familiar with the process and how to credit the author. This is not something that we would use in Prep to Year 2, but I can see its value in teaching older students how to use this correctly and not having to reinvent the wheel.