As I reflect on my second semester of learning, researching and completing aspects of the teacher librarian role, I was apprehensive at first, but I recognised the importance that technology has in learning and created a resource to help students develop their skills. 

Technology has become a big part of our lives and is embedded in most aspects of our learning. In my blog post about Search Engines (Bolden, 2021, August 11) and discussion post in Module 3, I explained that I was a little blown away by the fact there are multiple search engines for use on the web. It was interesting to compare the different search engines and encouraging to know there are ones designed for students.  

When I started the process of making a resource for the Year 5/6 students, I felt quite conflicted as Arnolj (2019) explains some elements of website design is to use primary and secondary colours, initially I found this difficult as most templates appear to be black and white until I was able to use a template that allowed me to change the colours. Editorial Staff (2019) explain that a design layout should be simple and usable, meeting your end goal, which in the end was what I was trying to achieve. 

Currently I am working as a classroom teacher, I find it difficult to implement the majority of my learning with regards to the library. Using blogs in the classroom and library (Bolden, 2021, August 18) described ways a blog could be used. This might be a simple way to start next year, when I have a new class, to showcase what has been happening in the classroom, however I will need to keep in mind privacy when posting an image, being professional and encouraging (Magid & Gallagher, 2015). 

After completing ETL401 the guided inquiry unit I created will be implemented into the classroom and library lessons for one of the Integrated Studies units. The digital resource made for the Year 5/6 students could potentially be used next year. In the meantime I will refine my technical skills with resources so they can be adapted when I am in the teacher librarian role. It has been quite enjoyable to design and see all the resources available located in the one place. In another one of my posts Digital Resources (Bolden, 2021, September 16), I outlined how important it is as the TL to be linking the curriculum and the resources together. 

Since I am only at the beginning of my TL journey and not in the role yet, I understand there are still plenty of aspects of the role that I need to learn. In the discussion post for Module 6.1, I outlined what a new teacher librarian should include in an effective information service. One of the aspects is the library website, which I would like to make more effective and usable as a library service. In my blog post Specialist Tools and Services (Bolden, 2021, September, 21) I explain ways that the current website could be changed. Another aspect is knowing how to maintain the library collection. Improving my knowledge of the content covered in years 3/4 and 5/6 would enable me to better combine the curriculum and information literacy skills. These are just some of the aspects where I aim to develop my skills in order to become an effective 21st century teacher librarian.


Arnolj, B. (2019). How to design a style guide for websites. UX Collective.

Bolden, N. (2021). Google, Yahoo, Kiddle and Wackysafe.  Module 3

Bolden, N. (2021). Search engines. 

Bolden, N. (2021). Using blogs in the classroom and the library. 

Bolden, N. (2021). Digital resources. 

Bolden, N. (2021). Effective information service. Module 6.1

Bolden, N. (2021). Specialist tools and services. 

Editorial Staff. (2019). Selecting the perfect WordPress theme – 9 Things you should consider. Wpbeginner.

Magid, L. & Gallagher, K. (2015). The educators guide to social media. Connect safely.