After viewing A library story it gives the big picture as to the role of the teacher librarian. And to the detriment of the students, there are so many things that are taken away from them because the position isn’t always funded. The library teaches the students reading, inquiry and research, technology, evaluation skills, digital citizenship (Valenza, 2013) and so much more. When I think about the required work of a teacher librarian and what I will one day be faced with, it overwhelms me. But when I reflect on assignment three that I completed for an inquiry unit, that excites me. I currently supervise the students in the library at lunch times and to see the amount of students coming in to play chess, games, read books and also conduct clubs like origami and comics is very encouraging. The library is certainly alive!
As classroom teachers we are faced with an overburdened curriculum that we can’t possibly teach everything and we need the support of another professional, like a teacher librarian, to collaborate with, to teach and encourage students in their learning process. I know that it is mandatory for NSW schools to have a qualified teacher librarian, I read something that QLD is potentially lobbying to do something similar and hopefully VIC won’t be too far behind. Without teacher librarians our students are missing out on vital skills.
Valenza, J. (2013). School library story. [Video]. Vimeo.
Hi Nicole,
This message is really just to let you now I visited your blog for marking your reflection , and that there will be more detailed feedback in the actual assessment. But this is a good reflection, showing you applying your learning to the three main concepts of this subject, IL, IL models and inquiry learning and the TL. You might have used some sources here.
Lee FitzGerald