Digital Citizenship Information

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What is digital citizenship and digital footprints?


Digital footprints are what people leave behind when they use the internet. MyFuture (2021) defines a digital footprint as ‘any information you leave about yourself online, from comments on social media, pictures and posts to app use, emails and the websites you visit’. Students in primary schools in Australia can create a positive digital footprint. They can accomplish this by being aware of what they post online, avoiding negative relationships online, and being aware of the implicit consequences of their behavior online. Primary students can make a positive reputation and establish themselves as responsible digital citizens by taking a visionary approach to their digital footprint. As a result, prospective employers, council admissions officers, and other important stakeholders will think more highly of them in the future. Primary students in Australia need to understand how their online actions may affect their futures. Teacher librarians, such as myself, can teach their students, especially those using BYOD (Stage 2 & 3), how to leave a positive, reputable digital footprint.

It is imperative for students to understand the importance of positive digital citizenship and how each digital footprint they leave behind can be seen by many before they begin effectively learning ICT skills. By using the lessons and digital resources created below, the aim is to ensure that students are aware of the impact their online actions may have on themselves and others. This is both now and in the future. The goal is to teach them to be responsible digital citizens, and to hold them accountable for what they do online.

Here is where you will find the answers and begin your journey!


How to be digitally wise… by Cassandra Piggott using CANVA.

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Digital citizenship in the curriculm

Now you know more about being an active digital citizen it is time to complete the three digital citizenship lessons. Once you have completed each lesson, students must complete the lesson examination. As the students move through the lessons they have opportunity to gain their digital licence (Learners, Provisional, Full). The idea is that the students focus their time on completing these lessons and examinations prior to teachers embedding ICT skills within the lessons. This allows for students to have a thorough understanding of the advantages of being a positive digital citizen when working within the digital space.

(Teachers you will find these lessons and the embedded resources within the TEACHERS LINK)

Clink the lesson title below to open each lesson


This lesson focuses on the importance of using good manners while using digital devices in the same way as they would use them in the real world to maintain positive digital etiquette online. It is intended that students will discuss the digital rights and privileges they have when using technology, as well as how a trusted adult such as a parent or teacher can assist them in exploring these rights and privileges. Students will learn the importance of protecting themselves online and how to do this, for example, by keeping personal information private and talking regularly with a trusted adult about their online encounters.


The purpose of this lesson is to teach students about the benefits of online communication, as well as the importance of only trusting individuals whom you know in person. Through the exploration of different communication platforms, students will gain an understanding of how some communication platforms, due to their invisibility, may not always serve their best interests or keep their safety in mind. As part of the lesson, students will explore the process of purchasing and downloading online as well as the importance of protecting themselves against fraud by using digital security. In addition to learning about protecting themselves and their family members online, students will also learn the importance of protecting their technology and their physical bodies.


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During the third and final lesson, students learn about the various technologies available within the 21st Century and how these can prove useful to them now and in the future. In this lesson, students will discuss the importance of digital inclusion for all and how every digital citizen should have access to the same opportunities throughout their lifetime. Furthermore, they will be taught about the importance of digital credit and how easy access to literature, digital artefacts, and other digital sources will only continue to grow if digital authors are given proper credibility.





MyFuture. (2021, June 1). myfuture – Australia’s National Career Information Service. Myfuture.

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