Redefining literacy…..?
I personally believe that the term literacy does not need redefining, but broadening. Basic literacy skills have not changed but have evolved and there now exists so many more that are necessary in functioning in the 21st century.
A discussion on information literacy…..
The multitude of definitions for the term ‘information literacy’ can create confusion, add to this the fact that it is a concept that is continually changing and it is understandable that there are so many models and theories to choose from.
Organising these under either sociocultural or behaviourist headings (reference lee) can simplify the main differences and make it a little clearer to understand.
Whether it is an approach that measures the acquisition of skills and knowledge (behaviourist) or connects information literacy to sociocultural theories of learning, it is the context in which one teaches and their own personal understanding of what information literacy is which will determine which approach is more suitable to an individual.
Christine Bruce’s (2007, p.97 as cited in Fitzgerald, 2019) suggestion that information literacy is an ‘appreciation’ of the ways people interact with information resonates well with my views on this complex topic.
Something else that I took from the discussion on IL was the statement from UNESCO in the Alexandria Proclamation (2005) that information literacy lies at the ‘core’ of lifelong learning and is a basic human right (High-Level Colloquium on Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning, 2005).
The role of TL in schools has to have an understanding of the different approaches to IL but to also have a respect and ‘appreciation’ that all students are different and have different learning needs but they are all entitled to becoming information literate.
Fitzgerald, L. (2019). The role of the teacher librarian (TL). In ETL401: Introduction to teacher librarianship, [Module 5]. Retrieved from Charles Sturt University website:
Evidence Guides for the TL and their usefulness.
Anything which guides the practice of the Teacher Librarians is crucial and invaluable.
The Evidence Guides For Teacher-Librarians developed by the Australian School Library Association (ASLA, 2014, 2015) will be a useful tool in helping me to set my professional learning plans and goals as I enter a new role as a TL. There are many overlaps from the teacher’s role but many new domains to navigate too.
Using these guides in conjunction with the official standards supplied by AITSL will be essential in my practice. The standards interconnect and overlap so this guide assists in providing examples of how to show evidence.
I believe the benchmarks that are differentiated in each career stage are both a way to clearly indicate level of experience but also to assist in defining goals and recognising professional growth.
As a TL I look forward to having the chance to focus more intently on Standard 7: Engaging professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community, which I feel I struggle with being stuck in a classroom fulltime.
Australian School Library Association (ASLA) (2015). Evidence guide for teacher librarians in the proficient career stage. Retrieved from
Are School Librarians an endangered species?
The threat is there as is evident by the points of view of people like Charles Handy, identifying the role of TL’s as an ‘invisible profession’. As well as the suggestion that it is an ageing profession and the issue of job convergence. The fact that employees are now looking for TL’s that also have additional qualifications in ICT’s.
Karen Bonnano suggests that the way the profession of TL’s has reached the point it has, is probably not the way in which it will continue to progress into the future (2011).
But……. It is time to change the game plan, is the focus of Bonnano’s keynote.
We need to up-skill continually to meet the emerging demands and expectations put on the profession and to look at the government initiatives such as funding toward development of everything educational related moving towards the online environment, as challenges;
“How do we use our area of expertise and make it resonate with our audience”
(ASLA, Karen Bonnano, 2011. Keynote speaker: A profession at the tipping point: Time to change the game plan).
Strategies I took away from this keynote speech:
- Begin with the end in mind
- Five finger plan to success.
- Thumb-(strength of character. Pre-eminence.)
- Pointer (FOCUS follow one course until successful.)
- Middle (Brand, what do you stand for?)
- Ring (relationships. community)
- Little (little things that count, things you do that others don’t. its all about help THEM (other teachers/students not you).
Bonnano, K. (2011). ASLA. Keynote speaker: A profession at the tipping point: Time to change the game plan. Obatined from
Access to information… always?
The ramifications of having access to information at all times……
Personally, thinking about this brings on a slight level of anxiety. I think the French government are spot on with establishing a policy that limits contact for employees during specific times.
Time and again I have heard of work related burn-out problems in society. The mind also needs to switch off.
Don’t get me wrong. The fact that I can find out an answer pretty instantly to almost anything benefits me in my role as a teacher as well being very convenient as my everyday life. I love having access to information at my fingertips MOST of the time. I have to remind myself that I don’t always need to google the answer to a thought in my head though! The reliance is getting too much.
Mosbergen, D. (2016). French legislation suggests employees deserve the right to disconnect. The Huffington Post. Retrieved July 2016.
‘My Understandings of the role of a TL in school’s’
‘No offense but….. can you explain why becoming a librarian in a school would require training, a masters degree at that! Don’t they just stack books’?
I have been asked this or a variation of this question half a dozen times since mentioning my new venture into studying to be a Teacher Librarian.
I’ve fumbled through answers that include; ‘It’s more than that! We teach research skills and help students find resources and information. We provide a peaceful learning environment etc etc’.
I feel like I’m trying to sell and defend the profession. To be honest, prior to doing my blocks as a TL, I didn’t quite understand what was done either.
If I remember my days as a student, I recall a little old lady sitting us on a mat and reading a lovely little story then colouring a picture about the book. Later in high school it was pointing to a catalogue where I was directed to shelves of books. Fast forward to University, on campus then as a distance student I began seeing that libraries where no longer buildings with books and number/letter allocations. Most recently as a teacher, I see our TL fulfilling endless roles; Engaging juniors with the most amazing tale telling, Introducing middle schoolers to the abundance of information at their fingertips, & Seniors how to navigate this world of information. That is just the top of the iceberg! This doesn’t cover the support they give teachers, the curriculum planning and assessing and on and on.
My reading and searching of the question; ‘what is the role of a teacher librarian’? has come up with a plethora of different duties/ aspects/images etc and to be honest I’m sure they differ again from school to school. I found this ‘TL role statement’ below from The School Library Association of South Australia (2015) and it sat nicely with me. It seemed to cover what I now understand of the role in a nice, no-fuss kind of way (maybe I should put it on a business card to hand to the next person who asks me the ‘please explain’ question.
I have filled the role as acting TL a few times, never for more than 5 weeks at a time. It has usually been as an emergency, due to illness or injury so have been doing what I can (thrown in the deep end) with guidance over the phone and working it out as I go. I have at most been doing about 50% of the role and never at the busy times of year such as book week, beginning or end of year for textbook borrowing/returning or ordering. Although I was absolutely exhausted and totally out of my depth, I loved it. What I loved the most was that the library became my classroom. Students came in to escape the craziness that is a school, they were relaxed and happy to chat as I was in a role that supported and helped them but did not put the pressure on them time-wise or performance-wise.
As an absolute beginner of this Masters degree, I’m excited to learn the skills and the knowledge to demonstrate and not have to explain that the role of the TL is indispensable.
Teacher Librarian Role Statement
School Library Association South Australia inc. (2015). Teacher Librarian Role Statement (2015). retrieved from
Who am I?…….
I’m Jaz and I’m currently studying Masters of Education (Teacher Librarian) at CSU. I’ve worked as a Secondary Science, PDHPE and Mathematics teacher for 13 years now. For the past few years I’ve felt the pull to train as a TL as I find the feel of the un-chaotic serenity of the library space, amongst the fast paced & stress-filled school environment a place I’d love to spend the rest of my teaching days in. I have a lot to learn and am open to any and all of it!
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