My Learning Process

Intrepid Intermediate

Intrepid intermediate was the profile outcome I got and I agree with the profile outcome I got from the quiz I completed. I consider myself an intermediate when it comes to being a digital learner on how to develop and manage my online identity. Because I didn’t know some of these platforms exist and or how to utilize them to my benefit
I lacked a proper understanding of how different platforms can be used to benefit myself personally and professionally. I didn’t know I could use these to connect and network with peers and future potential employers for my own benefit. Benefits like exchanging information, building bonds and collaborating. I used flatform like Facebook and Instagram to only interact with personal friends and not realizing I could use them to a greater extent.

This affected my digital identity because when it came to my digital identity, I was never conscious of the impact it could have on my employment possibilities just by search up my name. From doing this I could find the various forums I was part and what others could see. Through googling my name, I found my Facebook profile and what I genuinely thought I was exclusively showing to friends and family. I didn’t note the importance of being able to manage my digital identity, so it didn’t hinder me or lead to lost job opportunities.

what did I do?

I connected with colleagues and peers and prospective employers or mentor through a variety of websites and applications. These websites made it easier to interact, share and bond with the that shared the same career interest as me or studied with. I’ve used LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram to follow, network, and share with these people.

Using LinkedIn I was able to display my resume and work experience. It allowed me to enter groups in the same industry or interest, allowing me to interact and connect to a broader network of people. It additionally allowed me to look for future job interests through its wide-ranging job listings.

Using Facebook mainly allowed me to interact with peers from the university. Using Facebook, I was capable to friend people from the university and see which mutual friends we shared. We talked about classes and assessments and I also joined a Facebook group for one of my classes. I was equally capable to find what interests and hobbies my peers had through the post they made on Instagram. These apps made it easier to interact and stay connected with my peers also gaining a better understanding of who they and what interest we shared.

What did I learn?

Some significant knowledge I undoubtedly gained was the sheer number of social platforms where you can share, network, and instantly connect. Making my first active LinkedIn account was extremely rewarding. While exploring LinkedIn it became apparent that I was missing out on many rare opportunities. Excellent opportunities like properly connecting and networking with familiar and unfamiliar people in the same industry or social groups that typically focused on my key area of interest. I discover the value of being able to develop a proper professional profile and how to structure my page to be the most presentable for prospective employers. And it additionally provided the platform to search and connect with these prospective employers.

What HA-HA Moments did I have and what am I doing now?

Some significant ha-ha moments I had while setting up my professional profile was that I was missing out on an invaluable opportunity. I’ve never thought of using LinkedIn because I always thought I wouldn’t be valuable for someone in my position. Although I was extremely mistaken. I learn from using LinkedIn you could connect with people ranging from CEO to your local store manager. Also Being able to participate in the process of developing the professional profile I learned and had recommendations and hints from the website demonstrating how to organize and present my profile in the most suitable and businesslike way for any possible prospective employers. My ambitions and plans for moving forward are connecting and networking more so I don’t miss out on amazing opportunities and to actively utilize the platform so I can achieve a better understanding of how to use it to my full advantage.
You can also use this Link to also interact and connect with me! lual-lual-979b591a4






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