My understanding of information literacy (IL), IL models and the role of the TL in inquiry learning has grown immensely during ETL401. At the beginning I believed IL was being able to read and write. However, my understanding progressed (Silver, 2019a) as I became aware that IL was the ability to find, evaluate and use information (Loftis, 2015). I also learnt digital natives need to be specifically taught how to use digital tools for information needs (Coombes, 2009, p.36). Furthermore, I gained an understanding of different types of literacies, including digital, ICT and networked . However, IL is far more than that , IL also needs to include ethics, an ability to critically evaluate information and include critical thinking skills. My greatest learning moment was- to be fully literate, a person needs to be able to make meaning from the information (Combes, 2016). There are many elements that make up IL, it is complex and much more than just being able to read and write.
Previously I was aware of the NSW ISP IL model. I now have a more thorough understanding of a range of research based information literacy models and how they help students (Silver, 2019c).
I was surprised with the research by Chen, Huang and Chen (2017), summarised in Forum 4.1a (Silver, 2019d) that inquiry based learning through IL models (in this case Big 6 and Super 3) helped low to mid ability students to achieve better results. Previously I believed IL models were most beneficial for high academic performers, I now see the benefit of IL models for all students. It also highlighted to me the importance of creating an information literacy continuum for student growth and achievement.
I identified with Yvette Stile’s (2019) blog post on IL units . After reading Yvette’s lightbulb moment I realised my teaching of the NSW ISP model was aimed primarily at content. I shared on forum 5.3b (Silver, 2019e) that I had focused too much on content but it was the process of learning the elements of the ISP model that was important. My teachings had been driven by the end content, which had created a disengagement from the process by the students. I was able to identify with the affective elements for the stages of the ISP process (Todd, Kuhlthau & Heinstrom, 2005) in finding and using information for assessment two (Silver, 2019f).
In the beginning I knew very little about inquiry learning. As the course progressed, I have learnt several factors required for the TL to be able to promote inquiry learning. To begin with, the TL needs to collaborate with other teachers, which is impacted by perceptions of the TL (Silver, 2019g), and the expectations of the Principal (Silver, 2019h).
I now understand that the TL has a role to support students to gain deeper understanding and knowledge in inquiry learning (Silver, 2019e), rarely should they be “going it alone” (Kuhlthau, Maniotes, & Caspari, 2012). One way this may be achieved is by helping student’s in their ‘zone of proximal development’. Although I have learnt a great deal about IL there is still a large scope for broadening and deepening my knowledge in this field.
Cheng, C.C., Huang, T. & Chen. Y. (2017). The effects of inquiry-based information literacy instruction on memory and comprehension: A longitudinal study. Library & Science Information Research, 39(4), 256-266. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/library-and-information-science-research
Combes, B. (2009). Generation Y: Are they really digital natives or more like digital refugees? Synergy, 7(1), 31-40. Retrieved from https://slav-org-au.ezproxy.csu.edu.au/Synergy
Combes, B. (2016). Information: change and issues [webinar]. Retrieved from https://connect.csu.edu.au/p46nev0a746/?proto=true
Loftis,E. (2015). Information literacy [Video file]. Retrieved from: https://www.lynda.com/Higher-Education-tutorials/Welcome/368046/420104-4.html?org=csu.edu.au
Kuhlthau, C., Maniotes, L., & Caspari, A. (2012). Guided Inquiry Design: A Framework for Inquiry in Your School. Retrieved from Proquest Ebook Central.
Silver, T. (2019a, April 22). My increasing awareness of the role of the TL [blog post]. Retrieved from https://thinkspace.csu.edu.au/learningawaits/2019/04/22/my-increasing-awareness-of-the-role-of-the-tl/
Silver, T. (2019b, May 24). What is information literacy? [blog post]. Retrieved from https://thinkspace.csu.edu.au/learningawaits/2019/05/24/what-is-information-literacy/
Silver, T. (2019c, May 24). Information literacy models [blog post]. Retrieved from https://thinkspace.csu.edu.au/learningawaits/2019/05/24/information-literacy-models/
Silver, T. (2019d, May 10). Forum 4.1a: Search activity [online discussion comment]. Retrieved from Charles Sturt University website: https://interact2.csu.edu.au/webapps/discussionboard/do/message?action=list_messages&course_id=_42380_1&nav=discussion_board_entry&conf_id=_78883_1&forum_id=_147405_1&message_id=_2093725_1
Silver, T. (2019e, May 20). Forum 5.3b Guided Inquiry [online discussion comment]. Retrieved from Charles Sturt University website: https://interact2.csu.edu.au/webapps/discussionboard/do/message?action=list_messages&course_id=_42380_1&nav=discussion_board_entry&conf_id=_78883_1&forum_id=_147406_1&message_id=_2093728_1
Silver, T. (2019f, April 22). The research rollercoaster [blog post]. Retrieved from https://thinkspace.csu.edu.au/learningawaits/2019/04/22/the-research-rollercoaster/
Silver, T. (2019g, March 14). The perceived role of the teacher librarian? [blog post]. Retrieved from https://thinkspace.csu.edu.au/learningawaits/2019/03/14/the-percieved-role-of-the-teacher-librarian/
Silver, T. (2019h, April 22). Collaboration and cooperation [blog post]. Retrieved from https://thinkspace.csu.edu.au/learningawaits/2019/04/22/collaboration-and-cooperation/
Stiles, Y. (2019, May 20). Two false starts and a light bulb [blog post]. Retrieved from https://thinkspace.csu.edu.au/ystile01/2019/05/20/two-false-starts-and-a-light-bulb/