A whole new world

Photo by Mark Fletcher-Brown on Unsplash

Hi everybody, welcome to this roller coaster of a ride with me as I learn the ins and outs of becoming a qualified teacher librarian. I have been through so many emotions with this course already in just one week – excitement, nervousness, overwhelm, frustration, exhilaration  –  as I learn about and explore new ideas and technology. From being a relative tech newbie to being a floundering tech user – I am now getting a handle on Twitter (well set it up at least), used padlet and now have established and am writing my first blog!

Despite mixed emotions, overall, I am looking forward to this learning process and so far have learned to just keep going and trying (baby steps, baby steps) and ask for help when I’m not sure of something.

What have you learnt so far on this journey?

2 Replies to “A whole new world”

  1. Hi Tanya,
    Its nice to see that others are feeling exactly the same as me. I am also nervous, excited, anxious and overwhelmed. Going back to study after many years away and two young children running around my ankles is a bit different to the 20 year old O-week crazinness I remember about starting university last time around.
    Looking forward to the journey though! so far I have also learnt how to start a blog- today is my first blog comment!

    1. Well done you Lara! Yes studying this time around is rather different but still enjoyable to learn new things.

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