Enhancing student’s professional information literacy

Information literacy wordcloud

I chose the article Enhancing student’s professional information literacy for discussion in our learning and growing session for a number of reasons. I felt it highlights an often overlooked aspect of the way we approach information literacy (IL) instruction; offers a unique perspective on evaluating information sources; and also provides a concrete example of how this oversight can be addressed using a collaborative approach.

Some of the key takeaways that stood out to me were:

  • IL skills are recognised as a key competency for most jobs in business and finance but workplaces rarely have formalised IL training programmes.
  • Information literacy skills development in the tertiary sector is often focused on helping students find and use academic sources and resources which they will lose access to once they graduate.
  • By embedding an IL module into a larger discipline course, the authors were able to offer a discipline specific programme, which engaged students by offering the opportunity for hands-on practice and reflection.

Wiki Use That Increases Communication and Collaboration

Wiki Use That Increases Communication and Collaboration

The author of this article, Robyn Davidson, is responsible for teaching a postgraduate financial accounting course at the University of Adelaide. The majority of the student cohort is made up of international students who have English as their second language. The article discusses the use of the in-built wiki functionality within the Blackboard platform, which was used to facilitate a group project for students.

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