Reading is more than just an escape (Assessment 2 – Part 2)

Why read?

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At the beginning of this subject we were asked to consider this question and Shelley (2021, November) summed up my thinking in a comprehensive list. I currently work as an English teacher in the secondary system and we have spent the past four years building an independent program called ‘Read, Think, Succeed’. We have taken students to Readings Bookshop to choose books for purchase, created student reading ambassador roles, and successfully argued for a weekly 70 minute session for every English class from years 7-10 to participate in a literacy lesson that has discussion at its centre. I am confident that we have researched and are imparting the message that reading is everything BUT… it is everything in the context of English.


What’s next?

In my blog post The bright future of children’s literature (Kempinger, 2020, November 22), I identified several areas of interest, but there are two that I feel inform my next steps after completing this subject. These are critical thinking through and visual literacy.

With English teachers on the right track, my focus as a teacher librarian is across other curriculum areas. Throughout this subject my work has revolved around the humanities and this has shown me the enormous potential of using fiction to bring another layer of meaning and understanding to students’ comprehension of the (often quite difficult to image) world beyond their personal experiences.

Critical thinking

Image by jambulboy on

We want students to be able to take information and apply their knowledge and experience to think critically about the information that is presented. Are they ready and able to do this without support? In my experience, rarely. Fisher & Frey (2018) identify the value of discussion between students as a way to deepen understanding. My intention this year is to collaborate with humanities teachers to understand the topics that bring with them the challenge of empathy (such as the ANZAC experience) and provide selected fiction texts in varying formats that can be used in the classroom to develop this. Without the empathy, the critical thinking will be unlikely.

Visual literacy

Image by prettysleepy on

Complex images surround us in the form of advertising, commentary, comedy and story-telling. If we are to understand the nuance and/or multiple meanings presented in visuals, we need to be able to interpret them. Jaffe & Hurwich (2019) explain that students needs to be able to “read’ an image before they can think critically about the message being imparted.

Although graphic novels and picture books do form part of our current library collection, more care needs to be taken when selecting these titles so that there are opportunities within them for unpacking meaning, discussion and critical thinking.


Image by s_grafik on

This idea is multi-faceted. On one hand I want to bring more variety into the library and on the other hand I want students to have more opportunity to show their learning in a variety of ways (including those in the resource kit that I created).

In the discussions for module 5, I talked about the use of podcasts to engage students (Kempinger, 2022, January). This is an area that I will continue to explore to see what is available, of good quality, and listened to by students already, and how they can be best promoted.


Fisher, D. & Frey, N. (2018). Raising reading volume through access, choice, discussion and book talks. The Reading Teacher, 72(1).

Jaffe, M. & Hurwich, T. (2019). Worth a thousand words: using graphic novels to teach visual and verbal literacy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Kempinger, N. (2022, January 9). Podcasts [Online discussion comment]. Interact 2.

Shelley, S. (2021, November 20). RE: 1.1b: Why read? [Online discussion comment]. Interact 2.


A whole new world (Assessment 2 – Part 2)

Working out how to support my whole school community in the myriad ways that a good teacher librarian (TL) should is something that has worried me… until now.

This subject has shown me how to create re-usable learning objects so that it is possible to build and adapt a repository of school-based resources over time. This would include research guides, documents and templates that support the development of information literacy skills, and video tutorials (Kempinger, 2021a) that show how libraries can help.

Collaboration not isolation

A group of people working together.

Photo by Leon on Unsplash

Until I reached out to a colleague to discuss ideas about an actual unit of study, I was directionless and confused. The ability to tailor a research guide to a specific purpose highlighted the need for content curation and not simply content collection. Choosing quality content, evaluating it before including it and providing annotations to explain why it has been included, means that the user can feel confident that it will be suitable (Oddone, 2020).

Couldn’t do it without technology

Photo by ThisIsEngineering from Pexels

Unfortunately, my school library does not have a robust online presence. This is something that needs to be prioritized if we want to work smarter and not harder. A library homepage that links to subject-specific research guides, researching templates, how-to instructions, and video tutorials creates consistency; something that teachers and students can trust. As South (2017) says, we want students to experiment without a fear of failure and the ideas outlined above can support this.

TLs are experts at evaluating resources for their suitability and know to consider a range of factors when selecting resources. The readability thread started by Gill (2021) is a great example of how online tools can be useful but teacher judgement needs to  be applied when choosing resources for students.

Online vs print

Photo by Souvik Banerjee on Unsplash

Although there are a few useful references on the shelves in our library, we cannot compete with the variety that is available online(Kempinger, 2021b). But, can we simply send students online to find information?

While students are likely to be able to complete a google search, they are unlikely to be able to gauge the accuracy and reliability of the information they find. In order to support the development of information literacy skills, TLs need to ensure that they work with teachers to create useful and consistent processes that are embedded into the curriculum. These can then provide scaffolds for students within research guides; which is preferable to them finding their own unstructured methods (Gilbert, 2019).

The library website also needs to show best practice. It cannot be assumed that students understand how to effectively and respectfully use the broad range of tools that Web 2.0 has to offer. TLs can model “exemplary use of  social media, search engines, and collaborative research strategies” (O’Connell, 2011) when working with both students and staff.


Image by cris renma from Pixabay

Finally, my eyes have been opened to WCAG (W3C, n.d.). It is one thing to be aware of accessibility and another to actively strive to understand and achieve it. By ensuring that learning objects produced by or in collaboration with the library are compliant, a conversation about the choices we make can be started. If we know how to make it easier for everyone to access learning, why wouldn’t we do it?




Gilbert, K. (2019, May 3). Libguides: In workflow, discovery, behaviour and space. Synergy, 14(2).

Gill, L. (2021). Online access. ETL 501 forum module 2: Print versus digital information sources. Response in Discussion Forums. CSU. 

Kempinger, N. (2021a, September 19). Flip or flop? Passion for learning. 

Kempinger, N. (2021b, August 1). Are reference sections going extinct? Passion for learning.

O’Connell, J. (2011). Web 1.0 to Web 3.0: A wolf in sheep’s clothing or a new culture of learning? Technology and teaching practice.

Oddone, K. (2020, April 3). Digital content curation: How to do it right! SCIS.

South, S. (2017). School libraries as incubators – where good ideas hatch!​ Scan, 36(1).–2017/school-libraries-as-incubators-where-good-ideas-hatch-

W3C. (2019, July 11). Introduction to web accessibility. Web Accessibility Initiative.

Why aren’t we blogging already?

Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay

This module is helping me to understand the versatility of blogs. Up until this time, despite my experiences, I have viewed blogs as journals and thoughtful meanderings that are primarily there for people to share their thinking on specific topics with those who have similar interests. What a missed opportunity!

Due to this closed way of thinking, I have never really considered the ways that I can utilise a blog within the context of my school.  After reading two online articles by Kathleen Morris, I am excited to experiment. As a TL, I see potential for a library blog that could incorporate or link to profession learning and specialist subject area blogs. As a practicing teacher, I am interested in a class blog that incorporates a specialist subject area blog as well as student blogs and collaboration. Time and current work demands mean that I need to be realistic and strategic in where I start this exploration. My teaching load is predominantly in English and, for this reason, it makes sense to begin here. Spending so much of the past two years teaching remotely has also meant that having an innovative and engaging space for students is something that I am constantly on the look out for.

Ideally I would want to build a blog that expands over time. Knowing that it is not possible to “do it all” forces me to consider the steps to take to make this project more likely to succeed and become a way to support student learning. Morris (2018) refers to blogs as a “sweet spot” that allows the teacher to work with and mentor students as they are building skills and understanding across a wide range of literacies and competencies. This really resonates with me as my own experience would suggest that student growth is highest when they have opportunities to work in collaboration with peers and the teacher on authentic activities.

The steps that I intend to take:

  1. Set up a class blog for year 9 English (I have two year 9 English classes and I hope that this will lead to cross-class communication and collaboration). Focus on administrative information and advertise to my students and their families.
  2. Begin to showcase work that is occurring in the classroom and encourage class community comment.
  3. Incorporate subject area content and use this to support student skill development around finding information
  4. Incorporate student/student and student/teacher collaboration
  5. Reflect throughout the process and gather feedback from students and parents. Make adjustments as required.
  6. Present to staff in the school and offer PD and to work collaboratively to support others in this pursuit.


Morris, K. ( 2020, February 11). The top 10 ways blogs and WordPress are used in schools. The Edublogger 

Morris, K. (2018). Why teachers and students should blog: 18 benefits of educational blogging. Primary Tech

Reflection (Assessment 2 – Part B)

I know that I possess leadership qualities. I also know that my effectiveness as a leader is not consistent. The case studies in this unit of work have helped me to understand why this is so.


Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

Having control is my comfort zone and I often find that I will take charge and get things done when I’m frustrated by a lack of understanding or when things are moving slowly. What I have failed to see is that I am not only creating more work for myself, but I am excluding others and preventing them from having a voice or making a contribution.

Moving forward I need to be aware of the importance of working outside of my self-imposed bubble if I want my impact to be across the whole school.  I cannot (and should not) try to perfect all of the skills that are required to make meaningful change. As was discussed in case study #1, working collaboratively and building capacity within the group will provide more opportunities for change (Harris, 2014).


Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

In a previous post, I reflected on the way I respond to conflict and now that we are at the end of this unit of study, I see things differently. I am an active listener and am able to problem-solve but I tend to remove myself from conflict situations that are uncomfortable. If I want to be a leader, I need to be prepared to step up.

Case study #3 highlighted some strategies that I can use to prepare for uncomfortable conflict situations in the future. Rather than only working with those I like and see eye-to-eye with, I need to work towards developing positive relationships with all staff. I need to be prepared to model the professional behaviours that I expect to see in others (Gottlieb, 2012) and be clear in both the vision for the library and the overall vision for the school.

Advocacy & Promotion

Image by Dean Moriarty from Pixabay

I was raised to achieve quietly and not toot my own horn. While it has been obvious to me for a long time that this strategy has harmed me, it is the work case study #5 that has helped me to understand why.

It is too simplistic to say that this trait has seen me looked over for positions of responsibility or meant that I have watched others take credit for my work- there are bigger stakes here. Advocacy and promotion affect my colleagues, my ability to fulfil the school and library vision, and student outcomes. If what I am doing is not visible, others cannot see how we can work together towards a joint goal.

I have been making the mistake of seeing advocacy as self-serving. I have been worried that I am showing off or will appear arrogant but it is my lack of advocacy that shows arrogance. A two-fold approach of listening to and supporting what others value (Weisberg & Walter, 2011, p. 111) and finding ways that we can work together will much better support my goals.


Gottlieb, H. (2012, October 30). Leading from the middle: Bringing out the best in everyone. Creating the future.

Harris, A. (2014, September 29). Distributed leadership. Teacher magazine.

Weisburg, H.K. & Walter, V.A. (2011). How does advocacy develop leadership? American Library Association.

Case Study #3

When working with a group of people I already know, the boundaries are clear, and working towards a goal is satisfying. When working with people I don’t know, it can be hard to use tools that I usually rely on because they can be misinterpreted (humour is an example of this). Without facial and body language cues, I question a lot of what I am doing because there is little or no immediate feedback. This helps me to understand the importance of face to face interactions within the school context.

As far as the case study work for ETL504 goes, the first attempt felt messy. I wanted a leader to step up and provide direction. I didn’t want to be that leader. I did eventually get the ball rolling but because I never wanted to take responsibility, there was no clearly articulated way of tackling the task.

From this, I take away the knowledge that it’s important to have conviction and be straight with others about what I want to achieve early on in the process.

Conflict resolution and me…

Was I surprised to see that I scored high for both problem-solving and avoiding on a Conflict Handling Quiz? No.

My style has always been to seek the solution and I have never been great with aggressive conflict. I’m not talking about violence here, just the passionate person who wants their voice to be heard and honestly seems to enjoy being loud and brash. That person brings up insecurities in me that are difficult to quash.

Image by ashish choudhary from Pixabay

I’m quite proud of my ability to listen to others and search for a mutually beneficial solution but I am also aware that I will sometimes yield more than I should in order to keep another person happy.

In a team that has trust and respect, I have a voice and the ability to listen to others before re-evaluating my own wants and needs. I am currently a member of such a team in my school and it is liberating. Unfortunately, not all teams will operate this way without some leadership to guide them.

On reflection, it would seem that I am able to comprehend the theory without being able to put it into practice. Rather than seeing work conflicts for what they are- a disagreement about the way some aspect of work should or should not be- I am guilty of personalising the disagreement.

By keeping my focus on the goal (student outcomes), I will be better able to separate myself from the conflict and engage in a conversation that will lead to potential solutions. Rather than hoping that others will see me as a leader, I need to act like one.

Image by Adam Radosavljevic from Pixabay

Reflecting (Assessment 3 – Part C)

Every day I encounter staff who don’t understand the potential that lies in the library. They see libraries as a physical resource that is separate from the classroom environment, rather than an integral part of the teaching community where learning is at the centre (Herring, 2007). They need to be shown that libraries are spaces for integrated learning, where inquiry is at the heart of our practice (Todd, 2007). This is where an awareness of the role of teacher librarians is needed.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

These same staff complain about students who are unable to conduct effective research and simply ‘copy and paste’ their work from the Internet. They know what they want students to be able to do, but they do not know how to help them to develop the skills to get there. It does not occur to them that a quality teacher librarian, doing their job, will be able to bridge this gap and help teachers to teach and students to learn (Purcell, 2010). This is where an understanding of Information Literacy is needed.

I'd like to thank Google, Wikipedia and copy & paste“I’d like to thank Google, Wikipedia and copy & paste” by patrickdevries2003 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

And then they sit in the staffroom at lunch whinging to anyone who will listen about students who do not complete homework and sit staring at their computer screen achieving little despite having more than enough work to do. There is a lack of understanding that, just because young people today have grown up surrounded by technology and look as though they know how to use it, they don’t necessarily know how to use it effectively (Combes, 2009). I reflected on this in a discussion thread about information societies that can be accessed here (Kempinger, 2019a). This is where the impact of collaborative teaching using an inquiry learning design is needed.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

So, what is my course of action moving forward? To start with, there will be an emphasis on promotion and the way that, as a teacher-librarian, I am in the unique role of being able to look at the school both vertically and horizontally (Purcell, 2010), meaning that it is easier to see the continuum of skills and how these can be supported. While I understand that I will become overwhelmed if I take on too much at once, on my to-do list for 2020 is to look at the humanities curriculum maps from years 7-12 to begin mapping the topics covered and skills required so that I can begin looking for opportunities to work collaboratively with classroom teachers to better prepare students for a life beyond high school that expects them to problem-solve and behave ethically (Lamb, 2011).

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

When it comes to deciding who to approach for collaboration, I will need to be careful to select a teacher with whom I already have a trusting relationship built on open communication (Haycock, 2007) because, even though effective collaborative cultures need diversity in order to look at situations from a range of perspectives (Fullan, 1999), it will be trust and communication that drive the collaboration.

Thanks to documents like the Alexandria Proclamation on Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning (2005), highlighting global dedication to the empowerment of all people by teaching the skills to find, evaluate and create information is easy. While there are many models for teaching information literacy, it is important that each setting finds a model that suits them. This is where I see a conundrum for my immediate future- I personally prefer a sociocultural approach to learning where students work in communities on topics that interest them (Farrell & Badke, 2015), but many teachers at my school favour a behaviourist approach as they can fit it into their current practice. For this reason, I will need to remember that different people within the school community will see information literacy from different perspectives and this means that I cannot do what I prefer, but need to factor in these differences if I want to have a positive impact (Bruce, Edwards & Lupton, 2006).

Think positive - illustrations“Think positive – illustrations” by simona bonafini is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

So, if I revisit my first blog post (Kempinger, 2019b) I can see that I still have the same desire to be a driver for positive change, but I am now in a much better position to actually do something about it as I am armed with information that I have been able to experiment with in context, turning it into knowledge, which has power.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


Bruce, C., Edwards, S., & Lupton, M. (2006). Six frames for information literacy education: A conceptual framework for interpreting the relationships between theory and practice. Italics, 5(1). Retrieved from

Combes, B. (2009). Generation Y: Are they really digital natives or more like digital refugees? Synergy, 7(1), 31-40. Retrieved from;dn=178236;res=AEIPT

Farrell ,R. & Badke, W. (2015). Situating information literacy in the disciplines: A practical and systematic approach for academic librarians. Reference Services Review, 43(2). Retrieved from

Fullan, M. (1999). Chapter 3: The deep meaning of inside collaboration. In Change forces – the sequel: The sequel, (pp.31-41). Retrieved from

Haycock, K. (2007). Collaboration: Critical success factors for student learning. School Libraries Worldwide, 13(1), 25-35. Retrieved from

Herring, J. (2007). Teacher librarians and the school library. In S. Ferguson (Ed.) Libraries in the twenty-first century : charting new directions in information (pp. 27-42). Wagga Wagga , NSW : Centre for Information Studies, Charles Sturt University. Retrieved from

International Federation of Library Associations. (2005). Beacons of the information society: The Alexandria Proclamation on information literacy and lifelong learning. Retrieved from

Kempinger, N. (2019a). Online access. Forum 2.2 . ETL401 Response in Discussion Forums. CSU. Retrieved from

Kempinger, N. (2019b, November 28). Teacher or TL [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Lamb, A. (2011). Bursting with potential: Mixing a media specialist’s palette. Techtrends : Linking research & practice to improve learning, 55(4), 27-36. Retrieved from

Purcell, M. (2010). All librarians do is check out books right? A look at the roles of the school library media specialist. Library Media Connection 29(3), 30-33. Retrieved from

Todd, R. J. (2007). Evidence-based practice and school libraries. In S. Hughes-Hassell & V. H. Harada (Eds.), School reform and the school library media specialist (pp. 57-78). Retrieved from

Developing my understanding (Assessment 2- Part B)

What an eye-opener this subject has been! I remember approaching my own school library to ‘check out’ (pun intended) our Collection Development Policy (CDP) only to find myself caught up in an argument that had been running for many years around who is responsible for such a document.

Mother and daughter having an argument



“Mother and daughter having an argument” by Tambako the Jaguar is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0


This policy does not currently exist for my school and this answered a few questions for me around how our library is used and viewed by both students and teachers (Kempinger, 2019a). Without a clear CDP, how does the school community understand the reason for the collection’s existence and the principles that govern it (Australian Library and Information Association, 2017)?

I’m going to unpack this through personal examples based on the following aspects of a CDP (this is not a full list):

  • The nature of the users & Collection evaluation
  • Selection criteria
  • Development of the digital collection
  • Acquisitions
  • De-selection

The nature of the users/Collection evaluation

Image by <a href="">Gerd Altmann</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

My school is diverse (Kempinger, 2019b) and this needs to be at the centre of a CDP. We have a large number of international and EAL (English as an additional language) students who need to be catered for. I don’t often see these students in the library and suspect it is because there is little in there to tempt them. Our students come from a broad range of circumstances and their reading levels and engagement range from little ability and no engagement, through to voracious readers who can comprehend complex texts and think critically about them. All students need to be able to access both content and entertainment and this can be assured by acknowledging their diversity within the CDP (Morrisey, 2008).

Selection criteria

Image by <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=2077021">TeroVesalainen</a> from <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=2077021">Pixabay</a>
Image by TeroVesalainen from Pixabay

Having a CDP with clearly defined selection criteria means that there is a rational process in place that supports the priorities of the school (Debowski, 2001). Having spent years in large staff rooms, I have heard many complaints about various aspects of school policy. What I had failed to realise was that I was also hearing complaints and concerns about the lack of a CDP! Some examples include:

  • “Why does English always get what they want?”
  • “I took my class to the library for research only to find that the topic we are studying only has one resource on the shelves!”
  • “My low literacy kids have no resources they can understand.”
  • “One of the books a student borrowed from the library is set out in such a confusing way that it took me and two aides ten minutes to interpret one page!”

If the Teacher Librarian (TL) works together with administration and staff to create a CDP, it will be based on the curriculum, as well as the needs and interests of the school community (IFLA, 2015).

Development of the digital collection

Image by <a href="">StartupStockPhotos</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>
Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

Perhaps because of the lack of a CDP, my school has no centralised digital resource plan despite the fact that technology is constantly changing the way people view, use and create knowledge (Newsum, 2018). Although our school does use a range of digital resources, only those who use them seem to be aware of them and they are not always managed through the library.

  • Edrolo (used by senior teachers in a range of subject areas and managed by the curriculum leader with no input from the library)
  • Reading List (managed by Head of English)
  • World Digital Replica (managed through the library- trialed in 2019, staff surveyed and opted to keep it in 2020 but was not budgeted for and is therefore possibly unavailable for this year)
  • E-books- this is an area that I am keen to explore (Kempinger, 2019c) (none available currently through the school apart from a link to Project Gutenberg on the library website)
  • Useful websites for teachers and students are sometimes embedded in curriculum documentation or shared with students via Compass
  • Databases (there are links to the A-Z government services (broken), Reuters, Vic law handbook (broken), and the Australian Bureau of Statistics on the library website)

A consistent approach is clearly needed to ensure that all resources are managed and assessed against the same criteria that are underpinned by the priorities and goals of the school (IFLA, 2012). A centralised approach would also make searching for specific resources manageable (Newsum, 2018).


Image by <a href="">Arek Socha</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>
Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

While it can be important to have more than one person involved in acquisitions, to avoid self-censorship and conflict of interest (Morrisey, 2008), the acquisition process needs to be clearly outlined within a CDP so that there is a procedure to follow. Our library is experiencing tensions at the moment due to a lack of this exact process. There are two staff members (one TL and one Library Administration Assistant) who both have budgets and acquisitions in their job descriptions but no CDP to help them differentiate roles within the process. This has resulted in duplicate and unnecessary purchases, running out of funds and a general sense of frustration. School administration has been working with these staff members to try to come up with a solution without realising that a CDP is what is needed.


Image by <a href="">Pusteblume0815</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>
Image by Pusteblume0815 from Pixabay

Towards the end of 2019, our library re-located into a new building with much less shelf space. De-selection (or weeding) was one of the biggest challenges; again because there is no defined criteria or process. The library staff did not want to weed an entire collection so they asked teachers to come in and make decisions. What one teacher was keen to remove, another felt a personal connection with. Multiple copies of the one text were kept because teachers could not agree on which was the best cover art. Books on topics that have not been in the curriculum for decades were kept ‘just in case’. A CDP that helps staff to understand that schools are not archives would make this process manageable (Vnuk, 2015).

So, I know what my priority will be when I return to school in a couple of days. Use the ‘watch and wait’  (Kempinger, 2020) approach I was planning to use, but fill this time by developing a CDP that fits my school community and is supported by reputable literature. Bringing this to school administration and the library staff will help to start the journey to resolve some of the current issues while providing a framework for all current and future staff to work with.

Australian Library and Information Association. (2017). A manual for developing policies and procedures in Australian school library resource centres: 2nd edition. Retrieved from

Debowski, S, (2001). Collection program funding management. In K. Dillion, J. Henri & J McGregor (Eds.). Providing more with less: Collection management for school libraries (2nd ed.) (pp. 299-326). Retrieved from

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions School Libraries Section Standing Committee. (2015).  IFLA school library guidelines. Retrieved from

Kempinger, N. (2019, December 11). Experiments [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Kempinger, N. (2019, December 11). If you build it, they will come… [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Kempimger, N. (2019). Online access. Forum 1.2. ETL503 discussion forums. CSU. Retrieved from

Kempinger, N. (2020). Online access. Forum 5.1. ETL503 discussion forums. CSU. Retrieved from

Morrisey, L.J. (2008). Ethical issues in collection development. Journal of Library Administration, 47(3-4), 163-171. Retrieved from

Newsum, J. M. (2016). School collection development and resource management in digitally rich environments: An initial literature review. School Libraries Worldwide22(1), 97–109. Retrieved from

Vnuk, R. (2015). The Weeding Handbook: A shelf-by-shelf guide [Chicago, ALA Editions]. Retrieved from

Information Literacy takeaways

If you had asked me last year what Information Literacy (IL) was, I would have responded with something pithy, like “The ability to find and understand information?” (Yes, the question mark is intentional.) Now I see the complexity that comes with this term and the need for me to develop a working understanding of it that I can bring to my role as a Teacher Librarian (TL).

On consideration, the behaviourist approach to IL looks like it would fit easily into the curriculum of a school by providing a set of measurable skills that students can develop. The examples provided in the Australian and New Zealand Information Literacy Framework (Bundy, 2004) could certainly be copied into a curriculum map, learning sequence or rubric with little fuss while being easily accessible to the discipline teacher. Using this approach, the TL could support the development of a specific skill in the classroom as required.

But there is concern that this will not support the deep levels of thinking that students need to strive towards in order to be ready for today’s global workforce (Kutner, L. & Armstrong, A. 2012) The sociocultural approach looks to address this by viewing the student as experiencer rather than sponge (Ackermann, E. 2001). Both Lloyd (2007) and Farrell and Badke (2015) present a case for networks or communities of people being necessary for optimal learning.

As well as this, there is research to suggest that we make meaning in different ways depending on context; this is looked at in detail in the six frames for information literacy (Bruce, Edwards, and Lupton, 2006). They (Bruce et al., 2006) ask librarians to consider the different perspectives that each teacher may have of teaching and learning and how this may impact the ways that IL is covered in the classroom.

The big takeaway for me is the need to articulate what IL is, audit it against what is currently done in domains and then offer to work in collaboration with teachers to ensure that our students have the opportunity to become lifelong learners.

Information literacy lies at the core of lifelong learning. It empowers people in all walks of life to seek, evaluate, use and create information effectively to achieve their personal, social, occupational and educational goals. It is a basic human right in a digital world and promotes social inclusion of all nations.
(The Alexandria Proclamation on Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning, UNESCO, 2005)

Ackerman, E. (2001). Piaget’s Constructivism, Papert’s Constructionism: What’s the difference? Retrieved from
Bundy, A. (Ed.) (2004). Australian and New Zealand information literacy framework: Principles, standards and practice. 2nd ed. Australian and New Zealand Institute for Information Literacy. Retrieved from
Farrell, R. & Badke, W. (2015). Situating information literacy in the disciplines: A practical and systematic approach for academic librarians. Reference Services Review, 43(2), 319-340. Retrieved from
Kutner, L. & Armstrong, A. (2012). Rethinking information literacy in a globalised world. Communications in Information Literacy, 6(1), 24-33. Retrieved from
Lloyd, A. (2007). Recasting information literacy as sociocultural practice: Implications for library and information science researchers. Information Research, 12(4). Retrieved from
United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organisation. (2005). High level colloquium on information literacy and lifelong learning report of a meeting. Retrieved from

If you build it, they will come…

Having encountered libraries where the teaching staff have little trust in the teacher-librarian, the need for TLs to understand their role and make visible the contribution they make seems a vital part of the job.

The teacher-librarian really needs to be able to work within all curriculum areas of the school while managing budgetary constraints, embracing new technologies and considering all stake-holders (from students to teachers to admin). A good TL can be a game-changer in a school.

Where the relationship between the library, staff and students has broken down, the first step in creating a sense of collaboration lies in the hands of the TL. I can see this happening in the following ways:
– approaching domain leaders and individual staff to see how they can be supported
– looking for cross-curricular links across domains and providing strategies to staff to support integrated learning
– attending curriculum meetings to ensure an understanding of the upcoming resource needs of students and teachers
– team-teaching of skills (research, referencing, reading)
– ensuring displays are inviting and having a knowledge of books to be able to recommend to both teachers and students
– talking with and listening to students (wants, needs)
– holding events that entice and excite students and teachers about reading and learning

All of the above, coupled with a TL who cares about student opportunities and outcomes and a dash of passion about the world that opens up when you know how to access the library, should be a way to begin building a positive and rewarding relationship for all members of the school community.