Conflict resolution and me…

Was I surprised to see that I scored high for both problem-solving and avoiding on a Conflict Handling Quiz? No.

My style has always been to seek the solution and I have never been great with aggressive conflict. I’m not talking about violence here, just the passionate person who wants their voice to be heard and honestly seems to enjoy being loud and brash. That person brings up insecurities in me that are difficult to quash.

Image by ashish choudhary from Pixabay

I’m quite proud of my ability to listen to others and search for a mutually beneficial solution but I am also aware that I will sometimes yield more than I should in order to keep another person happy.

In a team that has trust and respect, I have a voice and the ability to listen to others before re-evaluating my own wants and needs. I am currently a member of such a team in my school and it is liberating. Unfortunately, not all teams will operate this way without some leadership to guide them.

On reflection, it would seem that I am able to comprehend the theory without being able to put it into practice. Rather than seeing work conflicts for what they are- a disagreement about the way some aspect of work should or should not be- I am guilty of personalising the disagreement.

By keeping my focus on the goal (student outcomes), I will be better able to separate myself from the conflict and engage in a conversation that will lead to potential solutions. Rather than hoping that others will see me as a leader, I need to act like one.

Image by Adam Radosavljevic from Pixabay