About me


Photo of Joanne - selfie

My name is Joanne. I’ve worked in the same public library system for more than 15 years, and have enjoyed watching the many changes roll in, particularly in Children’s and Youth Services. My favourite work activities are: Rock and Rhyme (non-stop singing, dancing and storytelling with toddlers), DiNovember (a month of dinosaur-themed activities), and Book Week

I have three wonderful, crazy daughters, who are all completely different to each other. I have always been slightly terrified of teenagers (even when I was one!), so am concerned that the eldest is starting high school next year.

INF505 is my third last subject in the Master of Information Studies (Children’s Librarianship), with only the Study Visit and INF521 after this. I recently completed my work placement in a primary school library, and LOVED IT but realised that teaching is definitely not for me.

Since beginning this course, I have become slightly obsessed with the concept of passive programming. In a profession where there never seems to be enough time (for staff or customers), and expectations always seem to be so high, I feel that passive programming could be a viable solution to engaging with youth.