April 6

Fiction vs non-fiction

A school can only have a finite budget for resources for the library. The question on where to spend that budget falls to the acquisitions officer at my school. He suggests books and the TL approves or disapproves his suggestions. I am fortunate enough to be able to make purchasing suggestions occasionally. What I have found though is a tendency to purchase fiction titles over non-fiction. I don’t know whether this is purposeful – though I guess it must be. Our reader base generally prefer fiction titles, though it should be noted that most of these readers are at the junior campus, our senior students don’t read for pleasure as a whole. I have conducted student research into various non-fiction titles, such as biographies and true life event stories, before suggesting titles based on these areas of interest. The acquisitions offer and TL were more than happy to make these purchases, though the books themselves have not seen many borrowings since their purchase. There is not a tension as much as a belief that the readers at our school that read for pleasure lean towards fiction.


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