Learning activities Use learning activities as a means of promoting active engagement and critical thought about issues associated with online society. The following examples can be used to promote discussion
Effective assessment examples Ensure your students demonstrate the application of Digital Literacy concepts, by mapping assessments to elements of the GLO. Placeholder here for a “case study” which might be
Integrated Digital, Information & Research Literacies Framework Digital literacy closely aligns with the Information & Research Literacies. The Digital, Information & Research Literacies framework developed by CSU Library, identifies seven
In the Curriculum Digital Literacy Learning Outcomes Providing explicit learning outcomes is a key step in evidencing the GLO in the curriculum. These can be drawn directly from the CSU
Why is Digital Literacy important? Digital literacy skills empower individuals to learn, change and adapt to the digital global environment. Promoting the development of creative and analytical uses of technology,
What is Digital Literacy? Using digital technology is a feature of everyday life in contemporary society. It involves not only accessing and processing information using digital tools, but analysis