What is Digital Literacy?

What is Digital Literacy?

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Using digital technology is a feature of everyday life in contemporary society. It involves not only accessing and processing information using digital tools, but analysis and awareness of opportunities and issues in the digital space. Digital literacy skills empower individuals to learn, change and adapt to the increasingly digital global environment.

Promoting the development of creative and analytical uses of technology, these skills take the user from passive consumers, to active and confident ones capable of full and professional engagement in the online world. Therefore, digital literacies, which emphasise individuals’ knowledge, skills and practice with digital technologies are an essential feature of learning at CSU.


At CSU digital literacy is defined as the ability to “Critically harness digital literacy for professional practice and research and demonstrate digital citizenship in online learning, professional and social communities” (Charles Sturt University, 2018). It is also widely defined as the “capabilities which fit someone for living, learning and working in a digital society” (Jisc, 2014).


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