Learning activities

Learning activities

Use learning activities as a means of promoting active engagement and critical thought about issues associated with online society.

The following examples can be used to promote discussion and interaction in your teaching sites.

 Create a LinkedIn profile and share with others in the class. Form small groups of students and think of three different social media tools and to think about a discipline specific way each tool could be used in a workplace.
 Students search for the social media accounts of some prominent professionals in their discipline. Ask students to comment on the skills and experience they see on the profile. Ask students to comment on a moral dilemma. Such as:

  • A work colleague sends a friendship request for facebook but you don’t feel comfortable accepting.
  • A colleague posts a photo from a staff morning tea to Instagram without permission from all in the photo.
  • A colleague decides not to employ someone because they found political beliefs online that did not match their own.
 Ask students to consider the advantages of having an online profile and CV as opposed to a paper one.  Finding a news article about cyberbullying or trolling allows students to discuss what could have been done in the circumstances to protect the victim.
 Ask students to compare the URLs of websites they use often. Do they begin with http:// or the more secure https://?  Ask students to look at their Facebook sites and count how many advertisers are on their page.


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