Week 5- Annotated Bibliography Part2

Topic is confirmed – Information Sharing via IOT sensor

As the topic decide and worked on the inputs and outputs of the topic

Followed Few in the IEEE paper and prepared  issues and innovations last week but many more to work on the topic


Accuracy Farming:

Drones in Farming:

Monitoring the Livestock:

Smart greenhouses:


Porambage, P. Okwuibe, (2018). Survey on computing for IoT realization. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 25(6), 2960-2985.

IoT has risen utilizing the MEC and aides for the expanding the distributed computing abilities and going to the IoT it has as of now in the wirless association framework into the Fifth era and with the IoT we have picked up the high transmission capacity with the lower operational expenses and having the better quality experience and serving the clients and advancement of IoT is sufficient for the clinical and keen city areas and going to the agribusiness division the development is no gathering the necessities and requires more advancement. By utilizing the development innovation like remote control can keep the track and deal with them and for the most part, rainfalls are estimated and can be sent to the rancher and spread the precipitation.




Jived, F. Afzal,  (2018). Internet of things (IoT) operating Systems support, networking technologies, applications, and challenges: A comparative review. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 25(4), 202-210.

Presently days nearly for all that we are using the gadgets and for the most part relies upon the gadgets dependent on sensors. Here are a few occurrences dependent on sensor gadgets that are utilized in our day by day life for example Cell phones, ice chests, Clothes washers, and microwaves. The gadgets are interlinked with the system and a few gadgets are utilized for reacting and can share the information for the advancement of the procedure and limited human work. Considering utilizing the sensors, for example, encompassing lights and temperatures and moistness and fingerprints and utilized from numerous ages and developing human life better and comfortable.it is utilized to recognize the disappointments in the gadgets and resolve the issues in the gadgets. The front end utilized for giving the plans to new advancements and back end speak with the cloud utilizing the web.


Week 4- Annotated Bibliography-1

Started working on the main assessment annotated bibliography as per the Instructor

A brief introduction on my topic and also the major issues like


1 As trend-setting innovations been expanded to store industry information and the first test is data security. The cultivating exactness thought can be hacked, or information can be taken from anyplace and there is a high possibility of hazard during the information transmission.

2 As information is examined utilizing the IoT gadgets which help for compelling cultivating and gadgets is an absence of information security and the primary component is information reinforcement required when the gadget fizzled.

3 The fundamental basic issue is web network as homesteads are arranged in remote areas and issues with availability and it isn’t excessively solid and which has a terrible effect on the ranchers’ advancements and numerous not receive the progressions for the nonstop old practices.


1 Smart Agriculture sensor utilized for information tons: This innovation is utilized for the forecast of climate conditions and nature of soil and harvest development and data is followed and helped in hardware proficiency and execution.

2 Inner procedures controller: By utilizing this innovation the creation yield can be resolved for better outcomes and discover the specific reap and ensure items are sold according to the efficiency.

3 The executives over expense and decrease of waste for more creation: It assists with discovering the anomalies in the development of harvests and domesticated animals and lessens the danger of yield losing.


 M. Kanhere. (2019).Blockchain-Based Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme for Secure IoT Data Sharing.IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency(ICBC) ,pp.99-105.

 H. Shi.(2010).A Runtime Framework for Efficient Sensor Sharing among Concurrent IoT Applications. 20th IEEE International Conference on parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), pp.328-355, Chicago, USA.

 J. Zhang.(2013).Sensor Data as a Service-A Federated Platform for Mobile Data-Centric Service Development and Sharing.2013 IEEE International Conference on Service Computing, pp.446-480, Chicago, USA.

Week 3 Project Plan and Proposal

Started working on the https://www.projectlibre.com/

Working on the submission of 2nd assessment with all the requirements which are to be stated in the assessment

Working on the methodologies -Analysis of source, Research Method , System Design methods, Ethical Issues, Compliance Requirments

Project plan


Work breakdown structure

Risk Analysis

Project Libre

 G. Cisotto, A. Zanella . (2018).Joint Comperssion Of EEG and EMG Signals for Wireless Biometrics.In IEEE Global Communication Conference (GLOBECOM), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emriates.

  S. Gupte and M. Younis(2015).Participatory -sensing-enabled efficient parking management in modern cities.In IEEE 40th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), USA,FL,Clearwater.

 J. Wan .(2017).Towards Dynamic Resources Management for IoT-Based Manufacturing.IEEE Communication Magazine, vol. 66, no.3, pp.62-65.

In this week focused on the IoT sensors used for real time applications and focus on the research-based questions for more details and more details on the project for better improvement.


Week 2 Research on topic Information Sharing Via IOT Sensor

Research on the topic

Started working on the assessment confirmed with topic and relevant work

“Google Scholar” and IEEE explorer.

Working on the basic aspects like introduction and also some major requirements which are to be submitted on the assessment 2

The topic is confirmed and titled it as Information sharing Via IOT sensor

Working on the rationale  which is meant to describe the problem domain, purpose, and justification

Working with   https://www.projectlibre.com/


[1]  C.Suro,D.Carni. (2018).IoT for health monitroing.IEEE  Instrumentation  &Measurment Magazine,22(7),5-15.

[2] X.Cheng &C.hu (2017). Fog computing for the internet of the things;security and privacy issues. IEEE internet computing, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 34-43.

[3] M. Goulart and R. Oomi .(2017).In-vechile emergency call services; ecall and beyond. IEEE Communication Magazine, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 160-169.

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