“It takes money to keep the library a viable component of the learning community.”
Lamb & Johnson (2012)
Money is a fact of life. As TL’s we need a budget to develop, improve and maintain our collection. But with less resourcing available, libraries are often one of the first places budgets are slashed. So what does a TL do to ensure the library remains a viable and important part of a school?
TL’s need to become part of the decision making process for budgeting. They need to collaborate with their fellow teachers and the school executive to develop an understanding of the budget process and the needs of students throughout this school. If they are involved in budgeting decisions they can champion the importance of the school library and work with teachers to ensure they needs of all students can be resourced effectively. This will put you in the role of steward; seeking input from all parts of the school and allocating your funds on a needs basis. By working with other teachers and the executive you will provide transparency with your budget and let other know where and how the money is being spent. You will show the TL position as one of a thinker; someone who considers many factors prior to spending money (Lamb & Johnson, 2012).
The school I work in has a healthy library budget. The Principal understands the importance of a well-funded library. The TL responsible for this budget is also very open to ideas and suggestions for using this budget. The TL also works well with a number of other staff who control their own budgets and has in the past ‘shared’ and ‘received’ funds with other areas in order to ensure the learning needs of the students are met.
Ultimately TL’s have to advocate for their budget and then spend the money wisely. Libraries are there to benefit the whole school community, so the TL has to work with the school community to develop and maintain a library that is relevant to those who use it.
Lamb, A. & Johnson, H.L. (2012). Program administration: Budget management. The School Library Media Specialist. Retrieved from http://eduscapes.com/sms/administration/budget.html.
Just finished reading: I’m Australian Too by Mem Fox