Time Management and TL’s

Time Management is a big issue for all workers – including teachers and teacher librarians.  As someone who has been running her own business for over 12 years I actually feel that I am good at time management.  It has taken a few years to develop these skills but they are vital for small business owners otherwise you work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Prioritisation and time in versus value are very important skills that TL’s need to develop.  Working out what has to be done, rather than what is easy to do or enjoyable to do; and then working out the value of a task to determine the level of time dedicated to it is important.

I like the suggestion from Gilman (2016) suggests breaking work into 30 minute chunks to make things more manageable.  This is a great idea especially if you have a large, difficult task that you are struggling with.  I also like the idea of

  1. Decide what to do
  2. Start it.
  3. Finish it.
  4. Accept it.

This is something I think I will print out and put on my wall.  It is also relevant for our students when working on tasks.

Wilson (2009) lists the 4 traits to make librarians more effective openness, responsiveness, collaboration and communication.  I think these traits are really important especially communication.  Often TL’s live in the library, rarely venturing out due to busyness or personal preference.  However I think communication is key to being an effective librarian and running a relevant library.  A simple way to implement more communication is for a TL to send out a regular email to let everyone know what is happening in the library – it can be used to celebrate student achievements, keep staff abreast of what is going on (such as new additions to the collection) and can ask for feedback on what the library may require.


Gilman, T. (2007). The four habits of highly effective librarians. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved Nov. 2016

Wilson, T. (2009-2016). Time management for teachers – essential tips if you want a life outside school. Time Management Success. Retrieved Nov. 2016. This applies equally to teacher librarians.

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