Challenges and Value Afforded for Learners and Teachers Using Online Educational Technologies


Online educational technologies (OET) offer both value and challenges to teachers and learners. However, effective integration of OET creates constructivist pedagogies “where learning involves thought processes and active methodologies” (Mugliett, 2019, p. 66).


Value to teachers

OET such as Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) and Learnline learning management systems (LMS) offer teachers ongoing formative assessment that provides “automated and on-demand feedback for students and educators” (Giang & Cuong, 2021, p. 3), and a large-scale learner-centered education (Lee, et al., 2018, pp. 1226-1227). Therefore, teachers become “mediators, facilitators and designers of learning situations” (Cabero-Almenara et al., 2019, p. 26).

Challenges to teachers

Challenges include rapid technology changes considered perpetual newness (Mayhills, 2016, p. 67), insufficient support and training (Mugliett, 2019, p. 65), and insufficient “consultation between education technology developers and educators in relation to understanding pedagogy behind the use of the technology” (Wibrow et al., 2020, p. 14). For example, an organisation may move from Learnline to Ultra meaning that teachers will have to use the new version of the LMS, which they did not have an input in the development.

Value to learners

LMSs such as Moodle and Learnline offer learners personalised learning that facilitates competency-based learning where learners progress according to their ability (Lee, et al., 2018, pp. 1226-1227) and provide a different way of communication (interactive and multimedia content) with the teacher and other students from different locations (Cosgun Ögeyik, 2017, p. 503). For example, Moodle is smartphone friendly giving students flexibility to attend and participate in online activities (Wibawa et al., 2020, p. 4).

Challenges to learners

Challenges include self-motivation and discipline, reduced social interaction, sense of learner isolation leading to anxiety and frustration, and requires technical ability (Lee et al, 2016, p. 19). Therefore, learners require appropriate support to succeed in online learning.


Cabero-Almenara, J., Arancibia. M. L., & Del Prete, A. (2019). Technical and didactic knowledge of the moodle LMS in higher education beyond functional use. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, 8(1), 25-33.


Cosgun Ögeyik, M. (2017). The effectiveness of PowerPoint presentation and conventional lecture on pedagogical content knowledge attainment. Innovations in Education & Teaching International, 54(5), 503-510.



Giang, N. T. H., & Cuong, L. H. (2021). Evaluating feasibility and effectiveness of digital game-based instructional technology. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 16(16), 4-20.


Lee, D., Huh, Y., Lin C-Y, & Reigeluth, C. M. (2018). Technology functions for personalised learning in learner-centered schools. Educational Technology Research and Development, 66(5), 1269-1302.



Lee, P., Sun, S., Law, R., & Lee, A. H. (2016). Educational technology in hospitality management programs: adoption and expectations. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 16(2), 116-142.


Mayhills, D. (2016). Preparing for a future that has already arrived: improving teacher well-being through educational technology. The Australian Education Leader, 38(3), 66-69.


Moodle. (n.d.).  Moodle App Image.


Mugliett, K. (2019). Virtual professional development: transformation to tech-savvy teachers in class? International Journal of Home Economics, 12(2), 65-75.


Wibawa, S. C., Martiningsih, N.G.A.G.E., Handoyo, E., & Johan, A. (2020). Moodle mobile development in enjoyable learning in computer system subjects. IOP conference series. Materials Science and Engineering, 830(3), 1-7.


Wibrow, B., Circelli, M., & Korbel, P. (2020). VET’s response to Industry 4.0 and the digital economy: what works. NCVER.

My Blended Learning Experience

The understanding that technology enhances education led our organisation to trial a blended delivery strategy for one of our first-year units of competency: the qualification was certificate III air conditioning and refrigeration from the electrotechnology training package. The connectivist epistemology posits that “people, organisations and technology can collaboratively construct knowledge” (Starkey, 2012, p. 26). Therefore, the organisation purchased a SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) package that included learning materials and assessment activities.

A ‘computer laboratory’ was used for the blended learning program

The SCORM supplier held a two-day orientation for the trainers and assessors where emphasis was put on the use of Gagne’s nine events of instructional design: “Gagne’s instructional design distinguishes verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, attitudes, and psycho-motor skills to facilitate a learning plan in a stepwise manner” (Bashir et al., 2021, p. 1224). However, the results of the blended delivery learning strategy fell short of the intended objectives. According to Walsh (2017), the TPACK (Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge) model of technology integration encourages teachers to align pedagogy to suit teaching with the help of educational technology (p. 30). Our team failed to effectively implement the blended learning delivery strategy.


Firstly, the teachers felt threatened by the change and thought that they were being replaced by the technology: teachers were used to face-to-face direct instruction classroom delivery. Secondly, the teachers’ computer self-efficacy played an important role since most teachers were not trained to competently mentor/coach/scaffold students in a blended delivery learning approach; therefore, the poor teaching practices influenced negatively on the students’ achievement and motivation (Siddiq & Scherer, 2016, p. 3). Finally, the SCORM package had problems that required the authority of the provider to effect changes. Accordingly, both teachers and students were frustrated because of the obvious errors that were evident in the program. Regrettably, the program was abandoned after two years.


Bashir, K., Rauf, L., Yousuf, A., Anjum, S., Bashir, T. M., & Elmoheen, A. (2021). Teaching benign paroxysmal position vertigo to emergency medicine residents by using Gagne’s nine steps of instructional design. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 10(12), 1223-1227.


Prismos Decors [Photograph]. (n.d.). Imagine, Create, Transform.


Siddiq, F., & Scherer, R. (2016). The relation between teachers’ emphasis on the development of students’ digital information and communication skills and computer self-efficacy: the moderating roles of age and gender. Large-scale Assess Educ 4(17).

Starkey, L. (2012). Teaching and learning in the digital edge. Routledge

Walsh, J. (2017). Models of technology integration: TPACK and SAMR. TLN Journal, 24(2), 26–30.





Hello Everyone

I train and assess cert II and cert III level electrotechnology package units of competencies. We do mostly face-to-face using PowerPoint and workbooks.

I am keen to learn new educational technologies although I do not have much experience.


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