Posts Tagged ‘Best Books’

SLANSW Event – The Best Books of 2020



Content – Best Books of 2020 & how to promote them

Type – Webinar

Length – 1 hour

Level – Teachers, Teachers Librarians, Librarians, Library staff

Organisers – School Library Association

Presenters – Lizzy Martin & Gabby Cundy

Format – 1 hour presentation through Zoom


What are your students’ favourite books of 2020? The goal of this Online Meet-up is to provide members with a selection of the best books of the year, ranging from picture books right through to young adult fiction. Special mention will be given to graphic novels and comics. Presenters will also take you through a range of ways in which they promote books within a primary school library context. 

Presenting this webinar enabled me to think about all that I have achieved over the past 3 years completing my degree. It was an honour to be able to present to teacher librarians from all over the state on how I promote books to middle grade and high school students. I have worked closely with the senior school library running their book club and when putting the presentation together it made me think about all the skills I have developed through the years. 

All the professional development courses I have completed over the last few years had a hand in how I promote books to kids and how I connect with them to ensure they are engaging with books they will enjoy and foster a love of reading. My focus for the presentation was YA novels and graphic novels for middle grade students. Thinking about my next stage in my career, this is where I would like to tailor my focus for my studies and children’s literature is where I see I have a future in. This was a wonderful opportunity to be given in my role as a library technician. 


Best Book