Part 1: Motivation
Emerging readings, research, environments & change factors that require or validate a move into game-based learning.
Demystifying the challenges of GBL: Teacher professional learning needs
Recent articles report that digital game based learning (GBL) has been embraced as a welcome solution to low levels of student engagement, and also as a new way to realise transformative learning experiences within the everyday classroom. …
Click here to read Demystifying the challenges of GBL: Teacher professional learning needs
Digital and Information Literacy in Higher Education through Game-based learning
In an increasingly online world our society is becoming more and more reliant on information to operate. We live in an ‘information society’ where a lot of our wealth, employment and socio-cultural activities are driven by information (Bawden & Robinson, 2012, p.231). With so much information currently available and more …
Click here to read Digital and Information Literacy in Higher Education through Game-based learning
Game based learning in secondary school libraries: Getting teacher librarians on board
A school library is a communal learning space where students can read, think, study, research, inquire, discuss, use technology and socialise. Secondary school libraries provide access to physical and digital learning spaces using a variety of print, digital and multimedia resources to support the curriculum and recreational needs of students …
Go with the Flow? The implications of flow on game-based learning and video game addiction
How can Game Based Learning re-engage students with high behavioural issues in the primary English classroom?
From the beginning of classroom education, there has always been students, who struggled to learn in these strict, teaching controlled environments. These students have difficultly learning for many reasons and are considered at-risk of reaching their learning potential (Yong & Ping, 2008, p. 521). Students who are at-risk disengage from …
How can we help you? Digital Game-Based Learning and public libraries
Public libraries, while not being formal institutions of learning, have traditionally existed to provide public access to informal, lifelong learning, and have acted as gateways to new information technologies (Gilton, 2016, p. 3). From typewriters, to the first personal computers, print services and the Internet, to modern computers, handheld devices …
Click here to read How can we help you? Digital Game-Based Learning and public libraries
Let’s Play: Where will it fit?
This chapter discusses the advantages of Game Based Learning in the classroom setting and the benefits that arise from student exposure. The challenge of time constraints and teacher education in order to prepare students with the necessary 21st century skills can easily be accomplished with the introduction of games into …
Lunchtime Gaming in the School Library: It’s more than just child’s play
Over the years, there has been much research into the important role of games in education. As a result, it is now generally accepted that digital game based learning has a place in the classroom, as games have the potential to develop a wide range of useful skills. But where …
Click here to read Lunchtime Gaming in the School Library: It’s more than just child’s play
The future of education is fun!
Learning should be fun! Digital immigrants think learning can’t (or shouldn’t) be fun (Prensky, 2001, p. 3). Why shouldn’t education be fun and engaging for digital natives who have grown up with technology integrated into their social and home environments. Perhaps digital immigrants do not understand the value which technology …
Video game literacy through design
Our students are surrounded by information and communication messages in an audio visual world, where the lines of communication and persuasion are blurred between fact and reality. They access information across digital and print, and via social media, videos, games and other modes of information. For our students to be …
Games and Information Literacy: Considerations for teacher-librarians
Click here to read Games and Information Literacy: Considerations for teacher-librarians
Immersive Schooling
Instructions for play: Games based learning in the Primary classroom
Click here to read Instructions for play: Games based learning in the Primary classroom
Learning Literacy: A modern, game-based approach to mastering an age-old skill
Click here to read Learning Literacy: A modern, game-based approach to mastering an age-old skill
Learn, Thrive, Connect: GBL as library orientation to engage senior secondary students with their school library
Re-imagining Mathematics: Motivating secondary students to reengage in the Mathematics Classroom.
Repetition to Re-imagination: How games-based learning can enhance science education for modern Primary-aged learners
Teaching Addiction? Pitfalls and Prevention in Games Based Learning
Click here to read Teaching Addiction? Pitfalls and Prevention in Games Based Learning
Constructor, co-constructor and de-constructor: GBL defining the 21st century learner
Digital game-based learning levels up digital literacies
Click here to read Digital game-based learning levels up digital literacies
Games as a professional development option for workplace training
Click here to Games as a professional development option for workplace training
Girls, Games & Science
Inside the Magic Circle: Using Digital Games to Teach Ethics
Click here to read Inside the Magic Circle: Using Digital Games to Teach Ethics
Let them play: DGBL as a creative use of technology that can help transform primary school education into an innovative learning space
Meaningful DGBL experiences
Pedagogical changes inspired by Good Game Design
Click here to read Pedagogical changes inspired by Good Game Design