Survey Results

Your Voice is heard.

A short survey was sent to all the staff within the Faculty of Science. From the faculty we received 67 responses. These responses were used to construct the program by the organising committee.

When Staff were asked the number one reason for attending a face-to-face forum, the majority of the staff identified networking as the main reason. The other highly mentioned themes were Practical and sharing best practice.

When staff were asked to choose their preferred format for the forum, 65.7% wanted Keynote presentations, with 55.2% wanting small group Round table discussion.

Preferred Format

Action: Various keynote speaker timeslots were included with smaller discussion sessions as well as a full lightning talk session. Staff will be given a choice of hands on workshops with experts.

Staff were asked if they wanted to hear from colleagues within the faculty or external to the faculty or uni, 64% of staff selected that they preferred a mix of presenters. This was followed by 25.4% asking for the majority of the presenters to be from within FoS.

Internal or External Presenters

The staff that wanted to hear from external presenters mainly wanted to hear about innovation, student engagement and SoTL.

Action: Based on the themes there will be external presenters contacted to invite them to present.

When asked about themes for the presentations or Workshops there was a mixed response with the highest rating theme at 48% being SoTL.

Workshop / Presentation Themes

Actions: Based on these results (not all results shown), the committee worked together and grouped various results to be able to provide as many of the themes as possible. As SoTL was the highest ranked theme, the committee thought it would be a perfect theme to base the full forum around. Some of the themes such as Assessment design was embedded throughout the forum rather than being given a standalone session. This was specifically done as there are many PD sessions run online that can support staff if they know who to talk to and about what. We felt it would be more beneficial to have this theme embedded. A similar approach was taken to blended learning as many aspects of other areas can be completed using blended learning.



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