About Me…

About Me…

Hi, my name is Eun Hee. I studied Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) and Bachelor of Teaching (Primary). I am studying Master of Education (Teacher Librarianship) to be a teacher librarian.

I would like to finish this journey of being a teacher librarian well.

My views on Shatzkin’s writings

Shatzkin explains how things are changing in book publishing. People do buy books on the internet more than from bookshops. He points out “how successfully publishers will sell books in the future will depend on how well they master the opportunities presented by Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google.” It sounds like publishers need to master technology well to sell more books. I feel sorry for this, however this is the world where we live. As a future TL, I also need to master modern technology to be adapted to the changes in the world. Also, Shatzkin says that a new stage of digital content is changed from words-to-be-read to words-to-be-heard. People can choose digital content according to their preference. However, I would like to recommend young children to read books based on words-to-be-read for their reading development.


Giovenoce,G (2019). Introduction [ETL 503 Module 1] Retrieved March, 5th, 2019, from Charles Sturt University website: https://interact2.csu.edu.au/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_42383_1&c…

Understanding the role of the teacher librarian in schools

In my experiences as a teacher, I have taught  Food Technology and Korean, so I do not have any knowledge on being a teacher librarian. I just assumed that the roles of teacher librarians were to organise to purchase books, textbooks, and teaching materials, to arrange them on school library selves, to read books to students in library class and to let students and teachers borrow books and return them. That was my limited knowledge about the role of teacher librarians before I started studying teacher librarianship.

While I was reading module 1 (ETL-401), I learned that teacher librarians would be information specialists. Teacher librarians are to provide access to information resources, give training and assistance to students and staff, interpret information systems and technologies for students and teachers and provide specialist assistance to students using technology and information resources and school information service. (summary from ETL 401 module 1)

The role of the teacher librarian in schools seems that teacher librarians need to be experts in collecting and accessing  information resources as well teaching and learning curriculums. This is due to changes and impacts from the fact that students study with e-books and on the internet in class. This gives me the challege of being a teacher librarian as an information specialist. I think I am not an expert in technology at the moment, but I hope I can be an information specialist when I complete this Master of Education (Teacher Librarianship) course in two years.

According to the website of New Teachers Federation, ” The Teacher-Librarian is responsible to the Principal for initiating and participating in the teaching of information literacy in the context of the total curriculum, and managing the school’s information resources and services to facilitate learning/teaching.”  (Hennessy, n.d., para 2)

This statement reminds me of another responsibility of teacher librarians in schools.  I learnt that they would be involved in the teaching of information literacy in schools.

I really would like to finish this journey of being a teacher librarian well.


Hennessy,J.(n.d.). New Teachers Federation. The role of the Teacher-Librarian in the school community. Retrieved from https://www.nswtf.org.au/pages/role-teacher-librarian-school-community.html

O’Connell, J. (2019). The information environment [S-ETL401_201930 module1] Retrieved March 9, 2019. From Charles Sturt University website : https://interact2.csu.edu.au/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_42380_1&content_id=_2633951_1&mode=view