Posts Tagged ‘Digital Public Library of America’

Digital Public Library of America-Tumblr


  1.  The above post is of particular interest to me.  This is a postcard from 1908 of an Irish man and woman dancing titled ‘St. Patrick’s Day In The Morning.’  My ancestors are from Ireland and this is of particular interest to me as Ireland has a special place in my heart.  I love the happiness of the photo as well as the sense of humour evident from the Digital Public Library of America when publishing this, comparing it to their ‘#FridayFeeling!’


  1. I believe the primary target user of this post is people who have connections in some way with Ireland but I also believe it is for people who like to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. The primary target users for the Digital Public Library of America site in general could be for people who are interested in these documents from the archives who have not necessarily got onto the website before.  It is also a very clear and simple way of presenting the information.


  1. The content scope for the postings on the Digital Public Library of America archive is related to American history. There are a range of images depicting a part of American history that is significant, they also post many images which have relevance to an event on that day.  For example, the St. Patrick’s post that I was interested in was posted on St. Patrick’s Day, there were also many people from Ireland who travelled to America during the potato famine and therefore many Americans have connections to Ireland through this.  There were also a range of posts about significant women as well as significant moments in time for women throughout Women’s History Month.


  1. The simplicity is the most engaging feature for myself. The use of hashtags also makes it easy for searching and overall this website is very straightforward to use which then makes one want to use it even more.  I found that it looks appealing with the white background and the pictures placed on this.  I also like the way it that there is not a lot of print as not much needs to be said about many of these images as they speak for themselves.