Posts Tagged ‘21st Century Learning’

21st Century Learning

This subject has definitely been one of the most interesting that I have completed throughout this course so far. The clear focus on what teacher librarians should be doing within schools and what they should be aware of as being instrumental to their role has provided me with such great insight. Some of these aspects I was already aware of, some of these were new to me and some were a strong reminder of what I need to be focused on.

The need for different areas within the library for students to work at without feeling they have to be quiet is very important. The need for teacher librarians to be skilled in technology and also seek further professional development if they feel this is required is important. It is vital that teacher librarians add value to the entire school particularly throughout inquiry and can show the staff how beneficial their role is to the development of the students. Teacher librarians show students how to collaborate, communicate and find meaningful resources. Teacher librarians are preparing students for their own future.