ASU Libraries demonstrate that they are definitely making outstanding progress with
providing information to the users of their library through a range of social media tools. “Once viewed as tools for young people, social networking sites are now mainstream tools of communication for individuals in all age groups” (Cardon & Marshall, 2015, p. 274).
The Library Minute videos are such a clever way to connect to people. Firstly, they are short so immediately one knows they can learn something very quickly. Secondly, they are quite humorous and quirky so they are entertaining to watch and thirdly they are keeping students and staff informed and connected in such an easily accessible platform.
When perusing the ASU Library Channel suite it was interesting to look at their Twitter, Facebook and Instagram pages. Once again these were extremely informative, the Facebook and Twitter pages obviously had similar content but the Instagram page was quite different. ASU Library is clearly reaching students and staff by using Web 2.0 tools and quite a few of them which in turn makes it easier to reach a wider group of people as I am sure they would be hoping that if someone isn’t using Twitter that they are using Facebook and they are then receiving the information in that format.
In all of these platforms, they allow for collaboration of thoughts and ideas, conversation regarding what has been posted, a sense of community as everyone can be involved and content creation as a result of Web 2.0. It is evident that there is a great sense of community however there was not a ‘large’ amount of conversation or co-content creation as the university provides such fabulous amounts of information however people were not responding to it with their thoughts and ideas. Many factors can contribute to this such as lack of time and wanting to see the information but not feeling the need to respond.
Overall, ASU Libraries are connecting with their clientele on such a great level. It is easy to see in The Library Minute videos that thousands of people of watched these and there are many people connected to their Twitter and Facebook feeds so even if people are not necessarily conversing in these forums they are still seeing them and receiving quality information.
Cardon, P. W. & Marshall, B. (2015). The hype and reality of social media use for work collaboration and team communication. International journal of business communication, 52(3), 273-293.
doi: 10.1177/2329488414525446
Social networking is connecting with other people who share similar interests and ideas by
creating a ‘network’, in which people can share views/opinions, information, photos and videos, only made possible by Web 2.0. Users are able to build their networks of contacts and can comment and see comments from others enabling them to interact with one another.
- My social networking sites
Facebook- I use Facebook as a networking tool with fellow teachers and now postgraduate students. I also use it as a means to socialise with friends and to keep in contact with friends I am not able to see on a regular basis. I have also found that by following particular groups on Facebook, I am now able to receive many articles of interest and information to read through.
Instagram- I also use this as a networking tool but mainly for my own personal reasons. It is a great way of seeing what friends are doing and where they are in the world by looking at the photos they post.
Pinterest- I use Pinterest as a way of gaining ideas from other people which may help me with home renovating or party ideas or even fashion. I do not use this platform as a personal means of networking with friends.
Throughout INF506, I expect to learn about different social networking sites I can use as a professional. I am particularly looking forward to learning about those I am not as familiar with such as Diigo and Flickr. I am excited to learn about the most effective ways to disseminate information and have two-way contact with students as an information manager as well as discovering which social networking sites are most beneficial for this.
I am eager to learn about blog design and how this can be used with students as a form of disseminating and sharing information. I am interested to see other students’ blogs from this subject to see if there are particular formats which are more effective and easier for students at a school level to utilise and want to engage with.