Collection policies for now and the future

From looking at the American Library Association’s, workbook for selection policy writing, it became evident very quickly how important a selection policy is not only for just now but also for the future. If there is not a policy in place, “haphazard patterns of acquisition will result in waste because some—perhaps many—materials will overlap in content, or will be unrelated to changing patterns of instruction,” (workbook for selection policy writing, 2017, para. 1) can occur.

According to the American Library Association, the main components which should be covered include: Objectives, responsibility for selection, criteria, procedures, policies on controversial materials and a range of procedures considered necessary for the reconsideration of resources (American Library Association, 2017). However, this is only one of many different ideas as to what should go into a collection development policy.

It is clear from this document that policy writing is not only important for a library’s current collection but it is also important for the future proofing a collection to ensure that the best possible resources can be found in this collection.  This can be particularly evident with digital pieces as Shankar states, “digital curation should involve both current and future use of digital data.  It’s not enough to take care of research data for today’s use and users; the future users of the data (which may be those who created it, but maybe not) are an essential part of the digital curation value proposition (2016, p.55).”  Shankar goes on further to say that as a result of effective digital curation, people all over the world now have the opportunity to access this (2016, p. 55).


American Library Association. (2017). Workbook for selection policy writing. Retrieved from

Shankar, K. (2016). Future proofing the digital society: An introduction to digital curation and data practices. ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society, 46 (1). Retrieved from

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