Reflection- No. 1
It has been a positive start to our subject, ‘Introduction to Teacher Librarianship’ this week. I feel that I have navigated my way around the student portal relatively well. I have enjoyed reading everyone’s introductions in the student cafe and I have found the discussion forums to be an excellent way of clarifying my thoughts and ideas. I also gained some really valuable information and ideas from the online meeting regarding library resources and searching.
I actually began the Master of Information Science course at the end of 2016 in session three and while completing the first subject it reinforced my passion for education (I have been a primary school teacher for eleven years) and therefore I decided to swap over to the Master of Education (Teacher Librarianship) course so that I could focus specifically on the academic field. There weren’t enough places to swap straight into this subject so I had to complete an elective if I didn’t want to take a session off. I completed Social Networking for Information Professionals in session one of 2017 which I absolutely loved as it had some fun and interesting assessment tasks that were so relevant to the way we teach and disseminate information today.
As a result of completing this subject, I have already set up a blog which has my reflections and assessment tasks from INF506 on this. I have spent this week trying to reorganise my blog as it initially worked well for one subject however it was not going to be user friendly for more than this. My main objective was to make this blog easy for readers to engage with and follow.
As we begin this subject, I am really looking forward to learning and interacting with everyone!!