Marking Criterion | 85-100% | 75-84% | 65-74% | 50-64% | 0-49% |
Create and organize content. Use plain formal English and appropriate selection of voice and perspective. | Written with the reader in mind; writing is tightly focused and well organized with paragraphs focused around single ideas and written in clear, formal English with a sense of narrative flow. | Writing is well organized, with paragraphs focused around single ideas and written in clear, formal English with a sense of narrative flow. | Writing is well organized, with paragraphs focused around single ideas, and written in plain, clear English. | Blog entry and bio page have some sense of organization and are written in plain, clear English. | Paragraphs are excessively long, short, or disjointed. Disorganized material. Dot points. No sense of narrative. Wanders off-topic or fails to address the question. |
Boyer SoTL Model: Explains purpose of Academic scholarship and research in the context of VET |
Succinctly describes all four main elements of Boyer SoTL model and critically evaluates each in the context of Australian AVET or secondary practice. | Describes and evaluates four main elements of Boyer model in the context of Australian AVET or secondary education practice. | Describes and discusses four main elements of Boyer model in the context of educational practice. | Describes four main elements of Boyer model and relates them to educational practice. | Inadequate explanation of Boyer model. Points are descriptive and do not indicate analysis. Model not evaluated in terms of Australian AVET, secondary or higher education context. |
Demonstrate understanding of using sources to support academic writing | Effectively and efficiently supports claims with data and research from credible sources, consistently correctly cited in APA 7th edition style. Provides correctly formatted reference list. | Supports claims with data and research from credible sources, cited in APA 7th edition style. Includes correctly formatted reference list. | Supports most claims with data and research, correctly cited in APA 7th edition style. Includes correctly formatted reference list. | Some attempt at supporting claims with data & acknowledging sources in APA style. Includes reference list. | Unsupported claims or limited use of supporting literature; No or poor attempt at citation. Incorrectly formatted citations. Poor paraphrasing. No reference list. Plagiarism. |
Information is smoothly integrated, discussed or analysed with strong sense of authorial voice. | Information is integrated and effectively discussed or analysed. | Information is presented and explained or discussed. | Some attempt at discussing or explaining the information presented. | Little or no information presented. Information is presented but not integrated with discussion. Lack of authorial voice. | |
Be able to establish an online presence with their writing | Thinkspace site has clear and functioning navigation. The site shows evidence of design choices enhanced by multimedia, and indicates appropriate focus on personal and professional contexts relevant to education and training. | Site has functioning navigation and evidence of some deliberate design choices. Text is enhanced by an appropriate selection of images. | Site has functioning navigation. Some attention to design choices. | Lack of or overly brief bio page. Lack of professionalism. Excessive informality. Lack of relevance to education and training context. No evidence of design choices. Lack of images & multimedia. Marker unable to access site. |
Marking criteria are approximately evenly weighted; however, plagiarism is heavily penalized.
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