About Me

Hi! My name is Jarrod and I’m 20 years old and currently studying my second year at university completing my Bachelor of Business through CSU. I work a part-time job at a local business and a second casual job during the uni breaks, as you can imagine it can often be difficult finding a good balance between work, study, and my social life. This has driven me to build a routine into my life so that I can still enjoy life and my hobbies, keep up to date with university and be able to work 35 hours a week. Don’t get me wrong I am still just a 20-year-old guy, who really enjoys music, games, partying, exercise, and sports, but having a daily schedule leaves time for things to be done and makes me feel accomplished. I have found a passion for tennis and play two weekly competitions this is my time where I can just switch off and play the sport I love. When I finished school in 2019 I was a little lost with where I wanted to go in life, having no real career direction and I decided that having a broad degree that allowed me to move into many different career paths would be a good idea hence a bachelor of Business. Since commencing, however, I have formed a newfound interest in starting my own business. My current goal is to start my own business by the end of the year and to use my degree to give me confidence and the best possible chance of success.