Persuasive Essay

Digital learners are all over the world learning how to use social media and online tools. It is of the upmost importance that when learning to use an online tool such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter for example that we must not under any circumstances start to spread fake news, it is unethical and totally unacceptable even if you are still only a learner. In my opinion people should be held accountable for such things. the current pandemic is a great example as social medias sites are having to increase security and crack down on users who have not done any research or have any idea of what they are sharing who spread posts across the said sites of fake news in regard to the coronavirus. in the following article it goes on to say; “Facebook clamped down on online coronavirus rumours and banned ads that promoted the sale of medical face masks. Google flooded people’s search results about the growing pandemic with government alerts and removed YouTube videos urging people not to get treated.”

A person wearing a face mask walks past a red phone booth

A digital citizen is defined as someone who uses internet tools regularly and effectively, in this case the latter is not true as more and more people everyday spread fake news across multiple platforms. In many cases people still share fake news even when they can tell themselves that it is simply not true. “Gordon Pennycook at the University of Regina in Canada and colleagues have found that people can identify fake news easily, but may unwittingly share misinformation on social media because they aren’t thinking analytically.”  The article mentions that when people share these fake news articles they most of the time they aren’t thinking analytically which means that they are not using a very important component of visual thinking that gives someone the ability to problem solve on the spot and identify the issues that could arise as a result of doing what they are about to do. It does not matter if you are still a learner, we all know right from wrong so when we are on the social media platforms that we use it is beyond important that we understand what we are looking at and we are aware that we should not believe everything we see just because its online. The following quote comes straight from an article discussing the spread of fake news and why digital literacy is vital for online use. “After all, the spread of misinformation online is related to how people use sites like Facebook – and this is shaped by the fact that Facebook is, first and foremost, a social space.” in my experiences of using social media I see a lot of the older generation using mainly Facebook for example and a lot of the time it is clear to me and most others that  they see Facebook as strictly a social platform where it’s just them and whoever they’ve added as friends and they share news articles without proper research prior to doing so. This is one of the leading causes for the spread of fake news around the world social media apps. “11 percent of users older than 65 shared a hoax, while just 3 percent of users 18 to 29 did. Facebook users ages 65 and older shared more than twice as many fake news articles than the next-oldest age group of 45 to 65, and nearly seven times as many fake news articles as the youngest age group (18 to 29).” This quote right here perfectly sums up my point and why it if vital that people who use social media are capable of understanding what they are doing on social media. On this article there was even an Ad where a young person was saying, “I don’t need a doctor for covid-19 i’m young only old people get sick” the image was gone when i went to get it for the blog however it is a perfect example of what spreading fake news can do to vulnerable people who for lack of a better for are a bit naive when it comes to  believing that they see on facebook.

To conclude, I believe it is vital that the people who use social media platforms regularly are full aware of the digital literacy they require in order to stop the spreading of fake news across the online world. whether your are 18 or 65 it is still extremely important that we use our digital citizenship properly and we use it for its purpose of learning and communicating with other via the medium of social media rather than using the power we have on those sites to spread fake news and cause harm on the vulnerable who will believe anything they read. I do strongly also believe that it should be harder to share articles especially as it is virtually impossible to track who makes accounts of social media sites so there is no way to track who is more likely to share fake news than someone else. perhaps an algorithm is put in place where people who are statistically more likely to spread fake news such as the 65+ generation are shown far less articles on their news feed to not prevent as that would be impossible but to contain or limit the amount of fake news that is spread across social media every day.

Articles I used:

Fake news and the need for ‘social’ digital literacy

Podcast reflection

At first I was quite nervous about making a podcast and I was unsure of how to even start. I am a regular listener of podcast myself so I researched them to see how they went about producing a podcast. It was quite simple to be honest, I recorded my voice on the voicememos app on my phone then I emailed myself the file, from there I imported it to ‘WeVideo’ where I edited it together with music ( and images that fitted the topic (  and  Liverpool FC).  After I had completed editing I uploaded the podcast to my YouTube channel where I added a description with my sources. My final thoughts are that I would love to make more podcasts at some point in the future on similar topics as I found it quite hard to stay under the 5 minute mark which to me shows that I knew a lot about my chosen topic and I felt I could have gone on for an hour or so.


Assessment 2.

Results from Quiz 1-6:

1- Newbie Novice, 2- Intrepid Intermediate, 3- Intrepid Intermediate, 4- Bold Beginner, 5- Bold Beginner and 6- Bold Beginner.

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The results I obtained through module 1.4 told me that I was okay at some parts of being able to connect online as the results from quizzes 2 and 3 displayed. However quiz 1 displays that I am apparently reluctant to start using new tools in order to connect, whereas quizzes 4,5, and 6 tell me that even though I am a beginner, I have shown that I have the confidence or I feel confident when contributing to online spaces and working in virtual teams.

I believe that being able to connect online is extremely important in general but especially important for online university students. Being able to connect online can be the difference between passing a course or failing said course. it is important to know how to connect to your peers or subject coordinators as if you need assistance on an assignment and you are unable to as for it then you are in a bit of a tough situation that nobody enjoys being in. Having used Twitter for the last 3 or 4 years, it has helped me massively with connecting with others online as I can now follow my favourite topics whether that being my favourite sports teams or my favourite TV  show, I can communicate with people with the same interests as me because of Twitter and we can communicate back and forth through Twitter talking about our favourite sports team which is what I do in the example I am providing. By having these new skills I have now got the confidence to reach out online when necessary to get assistance with an assessment or maybe even just to help out a peer with a few things. Online I am part of a handful of communities such as, on Twitter I am part of the NBA community as I religiously follow the Oklahoma City Thunder I can talk to other fans of this team in a community. I am also in a community on my Ps4 as I play online sports games with my friends and we as a group play together with other people online we’ve never met which is part of a greater community. Interaction occasionally occur, they may not always be pleasant but other times we can make friends by doing this.

When setting up my LinkedIn profile I had a few moments when I wasn’t sure what to do but with a bit of help from people I had connected with I was able to have my profile up and running in no time and I even managed to get my profile to an Intermediate level. In the future I intend to continue to use my online profiles in the same manner I have done the whole time I’ve had them, by being respectful and making sure I am making myself a good digital footprint. This will support me as a digital learner as I know when to ask questions, I am fully capable of reaching out when necessary in order to assist myself.



Exploration of Web 2.0

After searching the web for examples of “Web 2.0” it has come to my attention that it’s what I’ve been using all along without even noticing it. Apps I use everyday like Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook are all examples of what Web 2.0 is. In terms of educational web 2.0 tools, I have recently been using Photo Creator. This is an app/ tool you can use to edit photos. I may have not used my time on photo creator for educational purposes but to rather make my mate look stupid but nevertheless that still doesn’t take away from the fact that this tool is very useful for educational purposes.

About Me

Hi, my name is Dylan Owen, I am 18 years old and I currently live in Cairns having recently relocated from Melbourne. My hobbies are playing sports such as Basketball, Football (soccer) and Futsal. I also frequently play my PS4 with my friends. I spend my days as follows. I wake up and get ready, I complete my learning modules for uni, then once I’ve done that I spend my spare time socialising with my mates whether that’s face to face or spending time playing games together online while we talk over a microphone. After I complete my Diploma of General Studies I hope to enrol in either a Bachelor of Arts of a Bachelor of Education as I have a passion for learning about the past and what we can do differently so some of those awful things don’t happen again. I also have a passion for teaching and education others, I notices this when I play sports and I naturally take a lead role in helping my teammates become better players whether its with constructive criticism or if i’m physically helping them on the playing field.

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