Information Literacy

The readings on Information Literacy (IL) were very interesting. There are varied ideas about the way IL should be implemented in schools.

The reading Six frames for information literacy education (2007), covered a range of different perspectives regarding IL. It was interesting to read how each frame has a different view of learning, teaching and IL.

Abilock (2015) describes every part of the information literacy process as building blocks. This gives a clear overview of the process.

The readings are very diverse. IL doesn’t seem to have a universal description yet. The different views on teaching seem to transfer to the different views of IL. In my opinion, the IL frame work or building block you choose, depends on your teaching style and the school.


Abilock, D. (2015). Information literacy. Building blocks of research: Overview of design process and outcomes. Retrieved from

Bruce, C,  Edwards, S &  Lupton, M. (2006).  Six Frames for Information literacy Education: a conceptual framework for interpreting the relationships between theory and practice., Innovation in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences, 5:1, 1-18, DOI: 10.11120/ital.2006.05010002 .   Retrieved from


Literacy is the ability to read and write according to the dictionary. But what point is being able to read and write, if we do not understand what it means? The mechanics of reading and writing is only a small part of literacy. The understanding of WHAT we read and write is the next and very important part. It is a complex mix of listening, looking, reading, writing, comprehending and understanding.

Smartcopying & Music

A topic of interest is the use of music in schools. I run a choir in the school I currently work at and am interested how the copyright works for using songs.

Performing and Communicating Music in Schools:

  • Allowed under special exception in the Australian Copyright Act (section 28)
  • Sing/play instruments
  • Play audio recordings
  • Play film with audio recordings
  • Not for profit performances

If the performance is for a concert, dance, fair etc. the school sector has an agreement with the Australasian Performing Right Association (APRA), to allow schools to perform music when section 28 does not apply.

Copying Sheet Music in Schools:

Teachers are only allowed to copy 10% of a musical work under the Australian Copyright Act.. As this is limiting the teaching of a full piece of music, the schools sector has an agreement with the Australian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society (AMCOS). This allows schools to make multiple copies of whole print musical works for educational purposes. This agreement is known as the AMCOS Licence.

Licensing terms

Licensing terms can be complex. Reading through the MICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT, I realise that I actually never read these..

This particular license agreement would not cover schools. There is a different licensing agreement for schools available: Microsoft School Enrollment licensing. This would cover multiple uses of the software.

According to the provided license agreement you can only use one copy on one device. The Microsoft School Enrollment licensing has options for multiple devices. The license agreement does not give you the right to change the format of the product. The sharing of the product is also prohibited. You do not own the product.  The company only supplies you with a license. You can use the product for a trial period. If you choose not to purchase the product it will stop working.


Microsoft software license agreement. (2013). Retrieved from

Microsoft Licensing Guide School Enrollment. (2017). Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe/TempState/Downloads/School_Enrollment_Licensing_Guide%20(1).pdf


Acquiring Ebooks

The 21st century library is an exciting place with the influx of new digital media. How to select and acquire these E-books is a complex issue for most library staff.

Most books are going to be available in digital form. They can be acquired and managed in a variety of ways.

Subscription: Buy access to a large number of e-books for a set amount of time.

+  The large number of books at a low cost.

–  The lack of input by the TL on the selection of the books.

–  Annual renewal costs.

Perpetual ownership: Pay up front for ongoing access to content.

+ The resources are owned by the library.

– The price per resource is higher than a print copy.

–  Charged a maintenance fee by aggregator.

Pay-per-view: Pay for the content used.

+ Only pay for what is being used.

+ Cost effective.

–  Ongoing fees.

After selecting a way to acquire the e-books, the aggregator has different ways to supply the product.

  • Approval plan: This is similar to a standing order. The supply of e-books to the library and the rejection of unwanted tiltes.
  • Firm order: Select a tilte or a number of tiltles to purchase.
  • Patron – driven selection: The e-books are available for use and only acquired by the library after a set number of visit.
  • Pay – per- view: The resource is only charged for if used.

Access for the users will be another issue to consider. Is the content available only at school? Or can the students access the resources from home? A policy regarding the use and access to the digital resources is necessary.



The acquisitions workflow

How does the library I work in acquire the resources? This is the procedure at this present time, as there has not been a TL for a few years.

Scholastic Book Club comes out – TL/AP/Teacher puts in request for certain books – AP decides which books are being ordered – Books arrive – TL catalogues and covers – Resources are available.

There is no policy or acquisition process. So there are definitely changes I would like to make.

My changes would be:

  • Develop a library policy
  • Evaluate current collection
  • Weed current collection
  • Collaborate with students and teachers regarding resources
  • Develop a budget
  • Deliver the budget
  • Acquire the resources through various suppliers
  • Catalogue and cover books
  • Resources are available

This is obviously a ongoing process, with adjustments made along the way.


Money, money, money…..

The budget. A topic in politics. A topic in the library. For a TL the budget can be a mine field. You need to tread lightly, not step on any toes and be accountable. Being a novice TL, the need for a library budget was thrusted upon me a few weeks ago. Knowing the dire need for new resources in my library, I was excited. And worried. What should I prioritise? So I asked the 2 major stake holders; the students and the teachers. Based on their input I made a budget.

It leaves the question if it is the TL’s responsibility to do the budget? The school I work at is small. Parent participation is limited. The number of staff members is small. Another committee to discuss the library budget? In my opinion, consultation and transparency are key factors for a library budget. When a budget is based on the needs of the school it is a reflection of the TL’s understanding and expertise of the cohort.


I was recently asked by my principal to supply a budget for the library. After some collaboration with other TLs, I came up with a basic budget. My budget plan started at the beginning of the year though. I became aware of the resources available in the library and the need for new books. So the first point of call were the students. There is a list hanging on my information board in the library. A wish list. I started with some title and subjects and the children have taken over. They are excited to have a say in the books purchased. My role as collaborator is in full swing.

A list of resources has been collated and teachers had a say too. What would they like for the library? A careful consideration needs to be made. I am the steward, working with all parties involved and creating a clear reasoning for the moneys spend.

A thinker is a role that will take some time. The role of TL is a new one for me, with no permanent position in place as yet. I am treading lightly and listening carefully.

My budget has not been approved yet but I will update the blog with any news….

The last run….

Assessment weekend has arrived. The weekend to knuckle down and get it done! As a slight OCD person, I was ahead of the game, so to speak. Both assignments are done and posted. Now comes the wait….The wait to see if whatever I have put in, was good enough….We keep on reading, collaborating with peers and growing our knowledge. Well done everyone!

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