Research Grants and consultancies
Summary: I have contributed to or led over 30 research projects, in total worth over $9M. These include
- 2021 Matching soil performance indicators to farming systems, Soil CRC
- 2020 Adapting to Salinity in the Southern Indus Basin
- 2020 Activating financial markets to reward soil Stewardship Soil CRC, ACIAR
- 2019 Edward-Wakool Monitoring Evaluation and Research Plan (Social Research component) CEWO
- 2019 Collaborative approaches to innovation, Soil CRC
- 2019 Surveying on- farm Practice, Soil CRC
- 2019 Living with Salinity in the Indus Basin SRA 2, ACIAR
- 2018 Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative: Results of Landcare NSW’s Report Card 2 Organisation Capacity Survey, 2017 & 2018, NSW Landcare
- 2018 Review of the Murray Landcare Collective and Murray Regional Landcare Facilitator project 2014-2018 Holbrook Landcare Network
- 2017 Scoping systems of acceptance of improved soil management, with a focus on decision support systems and tools, CRC HPS
- 2017 Improving salinity and agriculture water management in the Indus Basin of Pakistan, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research Small R&D Activity
- 2017 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Lake Cowal Foundation, Lake Cowal Foundation
- 2017 Building knowledge of Country and measuring its health, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
- 2016 Improving groundwater management to enhance agriculture and farming livelihoods in Pakistan, ACIAR
- 2015 Community Groups Capacity Check, Murray Local Land Services
- 2015 Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey, Murray Local Land Services
- 2014 Soil Condition Monitoring Project, Murray Local Land Services [landholder survey component]
- 2011 Review of River Murray System operations adaptive management approach, Murray-Darling Basin Authority
- 2010 Roadside Landholder Engagement Project, Indigo Shire
- 2010 Rapid Appraisal methods review, Policy, Governance and Communications Division Industry & Investment NSW
- 2010-2011 Focus Farm Wetland Study, Murrumbidgee CMA, Caring For Our Country & NSW Government, [Project Lead, social research component]
- 2008 Review of environmental outcomes of flushing flows, National Water Initiative, [Lead, social research component]
- 2007-2008 Evaluation of the Roadside Partnership Program, for Indigo and Wangaratta Shires, [P]
- 2007-2008 Support for publication of Adaptive Management book, Land & Water Australia [P]
- 2006-2008, Exploring the outcomes of an innovative communication approach, Healthier Soils in the NSW Murray Catchment Project
- 2005- 2007, River Tender, North East Catchment Management Authority
- 2005, Participatory action research, NE Landcare Networks and North East Catchment Management Authority
- 2005, Evaluation of the Rural Land Stewardship Program, NECMA
- 2004-2006, Improved seasonality of flows through irrigation demand management and system harmonisation, CRC for Irrigation Futures [Lead, social research component]
- 2002, NECMA, Review of North East Salinity Strategy
Community perceptions of environmental flows, Yallakool Creek, NSW
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Tube well: Okara district, Punjab, Pakistan
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Understanding farmers and water pollution, Stagno di S’Ena Arrubia, Arborea, Sardinia
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