Blog 3: Defining librarian 2.0
Blog 3: Defining librarian 2.0
Librarian as an informational professional, librarian 2.0 is a new concept. It was affected by high technology development. In the future, all of us also have to meet the new challenge for fulfil our new role in this era.
Burton pointed out that “librarians must have a wide range of skills in their toolkit that including everything from general management, subject expertise, and technical skills to persuasion, advocacy, and influencing skills” (Burton, 2019, P.44). In this information age, our user can easy to access different information form online network. They desire more and fast information via Information and communications technology (ICT) and network access. In the past, Librarian can stay at library or office to wait the user come, we just prepare and know what library material we have and give it to our user. In this information age, our user can easy to access different information form online network. They desire more and fast information via Information and communications technology (ICT) and network access.
In the past, Librarian can stay at library or office to wait the user come, we just prepare and know what library material we have and give it to our user. Before librarian 2.0, librarian seldom interactive with user, the relationship for librarian and user is single direction. User just accept what we provide and no another way to access information. They rely on librarian or library provides what reference service to get any suggestion for their learning or research. In this period, librarian did not need too much customer service skills and technology skills. We just need library field skills and knowledge that is enough to fulfil our user and management level expectation.
In this information age, web 2.0 replace web 1.0. Librarian also updated to Librarian 2.0. Librarian 2.0 that mean information professionals need with skills of digital literacy, adoption of online learning and teaching and ICT using and communication with end user. In Librarian 2.0 era, they should have knowledge of Information technology and skills of using social media (SM). It can assist librarian interact with user, we can collect data from online and promote library service and resource. SM also can as a educational tool, they can spread information to user via SM platform and library user can share their experience and knowledge to us or other user. Information Technology skills is an essential request for information professional development. Information professionals need more outgoing Information professionals need more out going to approach user.
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Burton, S. (2019). Future skills for the LIS profession. Online Searcher, 43(2), 42-45.