4. 2018 – 19 Annual General Meeting, Council Election and Special Report = (2018 – 19 年度會員大會、理事會選舉暨專題報告)
Activity: HKTLA 2018 – 19 Annual General Meeting, Council Election and Special Report
= (2018 – 19 年度會員大會、理事會選舉 暨 專題報告)
Date: 26 Jan 2019
Time: 1:30 to 5:30
Duration: 4 hours
This activity is the Annual General Meeting of Hong Kong Teacher-Librarian’s Association. The subject area is reading promotion and daily work sharing. The length of activity is 4 hours for school libraries staff, especially for teacher-librarians. The organizer is Hong Kong Teacher-Librarian’s Association. The presenters are Ms. Kam-lin IP, HKTLA President and Ms. Hsiu Ling Huang, National Miaoli Senior High School Teacher-Librarian, and, Ms. Choi Po Pang, C&MA Sunkei Primary School Teacher-Librarian. The activity is divided into three parts, which include two hours lecture, half an hour library visit and one hour and a half meeting and sharing.
The objectives of the activity are to vote for next HKTLA President, report Association’s achievement in this year and share school library experience to library staff. I attended this activity because I want to understand the difficulties in promoting reading in the school library and want to learn from other librarians. Besides, I want to extend my professional network. I was working in the school library, but I had no idea can do better to promote reading atmosphere and habit, so I hoped to learn from other teacher-librarians successful experience as reference from this activity. I was able to know more include e-resource and other technology applies should be considering involving into library collection policy and reading promote. In this Information Age, librarians should use different methods and learn a variety of knowledge to enrich ourselves towards information profession and teaching and learning.
Evidence of participation:
LINK to 2018 – 19 Annual General Meeting, Council Election and Special Report’s Evidence
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