ETL503 Assessment 2 Part B: Collection Development Policy Reflection

What a ride this subject has been!


As I stated in my initial blog post upon starting the subject, I had very little understanding of the term teacher librarian let alone the place of the library in the wider school and information context or the key issues surrounding collection development (Johnson, 2020a). From my humble beginnings as a graduate secondary HSIE teacher working in an RFF position in a primary school to now working full time and studying as a teacher librarian in a secondary school library, I feel I have come a long way in developing my understanding, knowledge and professional practice of the role and nature of school libraries and their collections.


The key issues and values surrounding collection management were once foreign concepts to me. Now, having begun to work the theory into my own practice in a secondary school library, such cornerstones as protecting intellectual freedom, the equity of access to information, open access of information and the need to develop a balanced collection that reflects a diverse society of users are beginning to shape how I approach my role (Horava, 2010; IFLASLSSC, 2015). A lack of base knowledge of previous staff and existing policies and procedures in my current library led to the development of questionable selection and deselection practices, particularly the issue that no specific selection aids or criteria were used to assist with the selection of resources (in fact the basis for selection was simply what ‘looked good’ or what our suppliers recommended). This meant essentially that our selection of resources had nothing to do with meeting the current or future needs of our users or meeting any specific purpose or goal (ALAIFC, 2018; Braxton, 2018).


After building a greater understanding of selection and deselection, I have since reflected and evaluated this process by creating specific criteria modelled on Tait and the ALIA & VCTL policy and procedures document that are aimed at future-proofing the development of the collection, as well as applying the principles of deselection to the first stocktake I conducted of my collection (ALIA & VCTL, 2017; Johnson, 2020b; Tait, 2016). This was an exciting process, but there is still a long way to go! Particularly in the present world of COVID-19 and the increasing reliance and significance of digital resources and tools. This is a long-standing issue in terms of providing and maintaining balanced digital collections that are accessible to and reflect the needs, interests and cultures of library users in an ever-evolving information landscape (IFLASLSSC, 2015; Newsum, 2016), but is more present now than ever before. Each school library is unique and different questions will arise for each as to how the collection can best support the current needs of users (Horava, 2010), especially given the procedures and advice currently in place and developing. For myself, the issues of licensing and budgeting became all too real, as providing services to all students at my school for particular digital resources or upgrading existing services (such as EnhanceTV our video streaming service) was not possible due to funding restrictions (even with discounts and free trial periods) and my lack of a collection development policy (Johnson, 2020c). This has stressed to me even more the importance of having a solid collection development policy to fall back on and provide justification for my actions, as well as to use as a strategic tool for advocacy and to build library and information services.


There is no one definition of a collection development policy, nor is there any one policy framework that fits all school libraries. The general trend in professional and academic literature outlines a collection development policy as one of the most essential policies in a library that not only explains why a collection exists, but what it aims to do, what its users’ learning, teaching, curriculum and leisure needs are and how these will be addressed presently and into the future (ALAIFC, 2018; ALIA & VCTL, 2017; Braxton 2018; IFLASLSSC, 2015; Ryan, 2016). They are also vital to protect against key issues that arise in school libraries regarding copyright infringement, funding, censorship and defending the principles of intellectual freedom, as clear processes and procedures can be established to address any present or future issues (Ameen, 2006; IFLASLSSC, 2015). It comes as no surprise then that strongest policies are those that are current, anticipate future needs, reviewed and revised on a regular basis and familiar to all library stakeholders and users (ALAIFC, 2018). If they are created and implemented in collaboration with teachers, school executives, students and other school staff, not only will the collection cater better to the specific needs of all its users by taking into account all expert knowledge of available resources, but awareness will be raised amongst school leaders about issues concerning the development of the library collection and the provision of information services and resources (IFLASLSSC, 2015; Johnson, 2020d; Newsum, 2016).


Having said all of this, I can’t help but dwell on the question raised by Horava that I encountered within my first week of this course; that being no one can say with confidence what collection management will look like a generation from now given the nature of the rapidly changing information landscape (2010, p.151). I ultimately agree with his final point, that our goal as collection managers is to creatively reimagine our role in order to adapt to future developments, while maintaining those cornerstone library values around intellectual freedom, equity of access and stewardship (ibid, 2010, p.151).


Knowing all that I do now about the nature of teacher librarians and school libraries, collection management and the importance of having a strong collection development policy, I genuinely look forward to writing my own policy for my current library (a first for me I can assure you!).



Ameen, K. (2006). From acquisitions to collection management: mere semantics or an expanded framework for libraries? Collection Building, 25(2), 56-60.

American Library Association Intellectual Freedom Committee. (2018). Selection & Reconsideration Policy Toolkit for Public, School & Academic Libraries.

Australian Library and Information Association Schools, & Victorian Catholic Teacher Librarians. (2017). A Manual for Developing Policies and Procedures in Australian School Library Resource Centres. 2nd edition.

Braxton, B. (2018). Sample collection policy. Retrieved from

Horava, T. (2010). Challenges and Possibilities for Collection Management in a Digital Age. Library Resources & Technical Services54(3), 142-152.

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions School Libraries Section Standing Committee. (2015). IFLA School Library Guidelines.

Johnson, T. (2020a, March 9). The Start of a Long, Arduous Journey to Become a Teacher Librarian. Retrieved from

Johnson, T. (2020b, April 29). The Journey So Far. Retrieved from

Johnson, T. (2020c, May 7). Digital Content and the Collection Development Policy [online discussion comment]. Interact2.

Johnson, T. (2020d, March 18). Responsibility for Resource Collection. Retrieved from

Newsum, J. M. (2016). School Collection Development and Resource Management in Digitally Rich Environments: An Initial Literature Review. School Libraries Worldwide, 22(1), 97-109.

Ryan, C. (2015). 21st-century collection development in school libraries. Incite, 37(11/12), 26.

Tait, C. (2016). Windsor High School Library Collection Development Policy. Retrieved from