Selection, Censorship and the WWW

Selection, Censorship and the WWW

Selection, as I see it, is a professional responsibility whereby the TL selects resources for the school library that meet the needs of the curriculum, the students and the whole school community. These selections are based on a selection criteria, and decisions to select the resource are made regardless of whether the selector believes the resource may incite controversy within the community that the library serves. The TL must have selection policy that is clear, strong and defensible to allow them the courage to make decisions that allow the community intellectual freedom.

The following quote offered in Module 2, Developing Collections, hits the nail on the head:

Selection … begins with a presumption in favor of liberty of thought; censorship, with a presumption in favor of thought control. Selection’s approach to the books is positive, seeking its value in the book as a book and in the book as a whole. Censorship’s approach is negative, seeking for vulnerable characteristics wherever they can be found – anywhere within the book, or even outside it. Selection seeks to protect the right of the reader to read; censorship seeks to protect – not the right – but the reader himself from the fancied effects of his reading. The selector has faith in the intelligence of the reader; the censor has faith only in his own. In other words, selection is democratic while censorship is authoritarian, and in our democracy we have traditionally tended to put our trust in the selector rather than in the censor (Asheim, 1953, p. 63).

Jenkinson (2002) suggests that selectors look at resources with an open mind – they are trying to see the positive value of the resource and how such a resource might meet the needs of the curriculum and the students. Whereas, censors see the resources with a negative lens and tries to find ways of excluding resources based on words, topics or themes that may exist. In many instances, this is done without consideration of context.

All of the above considered, the role of the TL is to avoid being timid and neutral, and encourage resource collection that allows the school community intellectual freedom and is as progressive as possible.

However, when considering the world wide web (WWW), our communities have constant and uncensored access to the whole world of information. I would question this level of self-selection autonomy in the school context, and argue that internet filtering is necessary on some level in a school context. With physical resources, we are able to offer literature and resources appropriate and educational for particular age groups and not for others. The internet and digital resourcing takes this selection criteria away if we are unable to filter the information being accessed. The power of media outlets to push their own agenda in this space (in particular, political agenda), and the algorithms that exist to propagate false information, is quite terrifying in my opinion. After watching The Social Dilemma in 2020, I was compelled to delete all of my social media for this reason. That said, I think it is of particular importance to educate everyone with access to devices, and not just young people, about the power of such intelligence. “Advancing technology is both our saviour and our doom” – Olaf, Frozen II.

Another example I would like to draw upon here is the sexually objectifying portrayals of women in the media, and young boys’ access to pornography. There is a large body of research that exists demonstrating that regular, everyday exposure to this content contributes to greater tolerance of sexual violence toward women, higher levels of body dissatisfaction, greater self-objectification, and greater support of sexist beliefs (Ward, 2016). In this context, I would question whether all of the information available on the WWW is, in fact, intellectual in it’s nature. Don’t get me wrong – being able to discuss these issues in a safe space, such as a classroom environment, is of the greatest importance. But there is a difference between intellectual content and just simply content. Questioning the purpose behind the creation of the content is a part of the selection process. Being able to filter what is available to students on the internet is extremely important policy in this context. Sexual and pornographic content is contributing to some of the biggest issues in our society, and filtering access to this type of information online is an important tool in the battle against sexual exploitation, violence against women and domestic violence, and human trafficking.

Therefore, as TL’s in a rapidly growing technological environment, making sure that the selection policy can address the issues above and allow for robust discussion amongst the school community, but still allow and encourage a filtering process that considers the appropriateness of what is available on the internet is paramount. Whilst I don’t personally see a “fine line” between selection and censorship (I believe them to be essentially opposites), I think there is merit in filtering on the internet whereby students can access information that is harmful, untrue and has the potential to incite violence and exploitation.


Asheim, L. (1953). Not censorship but selection.Wilson Library Bulletin ,   28, 63-67.
Jenkinson, D. (2002). Selection and censhorship: It’s simple arithmetic. School libraries in Canada, 2(4), 22.
Ward, L. M. (2016). Media and Sexualization: State of Empirical Research, 1995–2015. The Journal of Sex Research, 53(4-5), 560-577.
Personal Stock Take

Personal Stock Take

Having not worked in a library (ever) and having not taught English (ever), I am here to openly admit that my knowledge of children’s literature is quite limited. Having a book obsessed three year old, I would say that my children’s literature knowledge and strengths currently lie in the early childhood realms. We have a cupboard in our house that we lovingly refer to as “the library”, and it is constantly growing and evolving. I love finding new stories for my older son to love, and I’m working hard on my 1.5 year old who now brings me books and says “read” and then promptly runs away unless it has buttons to push. One of my absolute hands down favourite stories to read with him at the moment is an oldie but a goodie – “The Snail and the Whale” by Julia Donaldson. I love the poetry and the exquisite imagery and illustrations. I love that the snail saves the whale with words. There’s so much to unpack! I just love it. My three year old and I have had some great chats about travel and adventure, feeling small in the big wide world, how even the smallest of creatures can make a huge difference, how sharks are scary :), we’ve spoken of the environment, and having courage. It’s so fantastic and there’s a gorgeous mini film of it on ABC Kids that he loves to watch too.

Personally, I absolutely love reading for pleasure too but I tend to read mainly contemporary adult fiction, otherwise I just read the Harry Potter series (again). I am really looking forward to reading some YA fiction again as I probably haven’t read heaps of it since finishing school myself and it is obviously a very important part of the role of the TL so will assist me immensely in my future career.

In order to increase my professional knowledge, I can subscribe to the blogs that Liz has recommended (including her own), I can ask lots of questions on the discussion forums and draw upon the expertise of others enrolled in the subject, I can ask other TL’s that I know how they upskill, I can use the websites recommended such as CBCA, OZTLNet, NCACL, Read+ etc., and I can read read read read read!

The Future of Children’s Literature

The Future of Children’s Literature

Like many complex issues in society, the commentary around children’s literature in the wake of the digital age has evoked polarised views of what combination of format, genre and form will provoke the best outcomes for children. Children’s literature is one form of information, and advancement in technology is directly impacting the information landscape and indeed changing it at an alarming rate (Floridi, 2007). Hateley (2013) reminds us that change is constant and the concept of changes in reading behaviour, in terms of what is being read and how it is being accessed, has actually been a hallmark of children’s literature historically. It is true that the future of literature for children is likely changing – but so it always has. Isn’t it exciting to imagine and consider the ways in which new technologies might promote and engage readers who, in an alternate universe, may never have engaged in literature?

Whilst access to literature in many different forms has become more diverse in recent times, Harvey (2015) highlights that children still gravitate towards print as well as digital formats. The two can and do exist together successfully, and I hope and believe that this is the future for children’s literature. Whilst print literature allows the user to have the tactile experience of a book, of turning a page and physically holding a story in your hands and your mind, the digital experience allows greater interactivity and easier and more efficient access.

Of the many changes in the way in which society communicates and engages in information, Short (2018) highlights the influence of visual culture on children’s books. Visual culture is explained as an interaction with the world whereby imagery, rather than text, are central in how meaning is created (Short, 2018). This change is evidenced in a trend towards graphic novels and wordless books in young adult literature. This is quite challenging for me, as I have always imagined the words relating to “literature” to include written work. However, it is uplifting to think that we can advance beyond our notions of what we have always thought something to be, and challenge these ideas for the benefit of future generations. I think it’s fantastic that creators of literature are able to acknowledge these cultures as they emerge, and to produce beautiful and engaging works for young people. I love the idea that as a teacher, I can learn how to engage with young people in this context, to encourage them to think critically and to allow the creativity of interpretation.

The original prompt to this blog post asked me firstly to consider my vision for the future of children’s literature, and subsequently to discuss who will be the drivers of change. My vision for the future of children’s literature allows engagement of all children in quality literature existing in a diverse range of genres, forms and formats and accessed through both print and digital publishing. I hope that this literature is such that it makes a difference in the lives of children, and allows them to grow and flourish as people both locally and globally. Short (2018) challenges us to see ourselves as consumers, as well as educators, and to challenge the market-driven decisions that have recently resulted in a lack of cultural diversity in children’s book publishing. Whilst it is up to educators to realise themselves as consumers, it is up to society as a whole to push for these types of changers. We are all stakeholders in the outcomes of these trends on some level – so perhaps it is up to us as educators to not only challenge ourselves, but challenge our communities to champion these kinds of changes in the market.


Floridi, L. (2007). A look into the future impact of ICT on our lives. The Information Society, 23(1), 59-64.

Harvey, E. (2015, December 8). Five trends affecting children’s literature. Book Business.

Hateley, E. (2013). Reading: From turning the page to touching the screen. In Wu, Y., Mallan, K. & McGillis, R. (Eds.) (Re)imagining the world: Children’s literature response to the changing times (pp. 1-13). New Frontiers of Educational Research.

Short, K. (2018). What’s trending in children’s literature and why it matters. Language Arts, 95(5), 287-298.

The Times They Are A-Changing

The Times They Are A-Changing

Young people in Australia, and indeed across the world, go to school to learn. Learning is an emotional experience that needs to be lived in order to change us. It is really not acceptable, given what we now know about learning, to stand at the front of a classroom and teach to a test. However, as a secondary school teacher who has worked across six schools in ten years, I found myself stunned at how much of this tired old model exists. I reflected in my blog that we need “to be conscious that we are not repeating the way we’ve always done things and expecting an outcome that addresses the changes in the world and the speed at which it is changing.” The sentiment of this statement remains, however my reflection did not begin to suggest how we might practically change the educative experience for young people in schools in Australia. At that point, I had not learnt about inquiry learning.

Charles Darwin said “We are always slow in admitting any great change of which we do not see the intermediate steps.” Inquiry learning challenges us to break down the silos of subject areas, allow students to learn about what they are passionate about and foster lived educational experiences. Furthermore, inquiry learning has the ability to address two issues simultaneously: the information issue that has arisen from rapid advancements in technology in a short space of time, whereby it is critically important for consumers of information to be able to evaluate the authenticity of information, and the issue of the need for pedagogical change with a goal to move away from behaviourist models and towards constructivist models. As leaders in education, teachers, TLs, and other school leaders have a responsibility to contribute to building a community of twenty-first century young people who are agile problem-solvers and lifelong learners. We must foster students who know when they don’t know, and know how to find out. A novice in this field, I find myself truly excited by the prospect of inquiry learning models. Within the realms of the school library, teacher librarians (TLs), teachers, students and school leaders alike can be drawn to libraries for a learning journey, their purpose being to promote deeper thinking, learning and adventure.

The ability to simultaneously teach curriculum content and apply 21st century learning skills with a subject expert and an information expert at the helm is an exciting prospect for young people in Australia. Where a unit of curriculum content requires research, inquiry learning provides a scaffold for all stakeholders to engage concurrently in information literacy instruction guided by the TL, and curriculum content guided by the subject teacher in a (hopefully) captivating way. Whilst many approaches to inquiry learning are employed in Australian schools, I see the Guided Inquiry Design (GID) model as an optimal model if the TL is given the opportunity to contribute to the unit as a full teaching partner. My blog post in response to 5.3b Guided Inquiry outlines the advantages of GID as I see them. The level of detail provided in the model allowing a platform to integrate and assess 21st century learner skills, the opportunity to implement experiential learning in a classroom setting and the invitation for collaboration – between teacher librarian and teacher, and between students too. Whilst this is ideal, schools are indeed time poor environments that have historically been resistant to change. In light of this, there are challenges that are presented by GID. My response to 5.3b Guided Inquiry also highlights these challenges, being change management – reluctance by leadership, teachers and students to be accepting of the approach, the time constraints of the GID unit, and leadership and teachers misunderstanding of the role of the TL leading to GI not being accessed where it could be used effectively and improve student learning. Other models still seek to embed information literacy in curriculum, and should not be discounted. Should the teacher or TL be time or resource poor, these models still support deeper learning than simply teaching referencing or research skills in one lesson, and can be more appropriate given other constraints, such as time or budget.

The role of the TL as a debated topic was news to me at the beginning of this subject, and indeed this course. But on reflection, I can happily admit my rudimentary understanding of the role. Prior to beginning the course, I saw the role as a colleague in a school who a teacher could draw upon if they wished to jazz up a unit, or get some fancy resources to make their lessons a bit spicier. However, I have come to realise that the TL is an intermediary role requiring collaboration, creativity, innovation, critical-thinking and problem-solving, and could truly be the bridge of change for education paradigms.

Stop! Collaborate and Listen

Stop! Collaborate and Listen

The role of the teacher librarian is fulfilled in a school that believes in collaborative practice and where teachers are leaders. But many teachers see working with other teachers as a major challenge. In fact they might fight against this.

In such circumstances what would be an appropriate response from the teacher librarian?

I think the TL has an obligation to promote how valuable they are to the wider school community but also the individual teachers themselves. If TLs can demonstrate to teachers not only the benefits, but also the importance of collaboration in schools, then stakeholders may come to appreciate what could be. People like to be given concrete examples of how problems can be solved. It may be simplifying the situation with basic psychological principals, but incentivising teachers to collaborate by showing them how collaboration actually makes their professional life a whole lot more manageable could be a way to get staff on board. Ultimately, the goal is to improve learning experiences for students and encourage deep thinking and 21st century skills. But for some, whilst they probably agree with the sentiment they just can’t see a way out of the way things have always been. Teachers in schools are time poor. From my experience in secondary schools, it is one of the primary grievances for all teachers. Seemingly, as time goes on more and more work and stress is placed upon the teacher. But what if collaborative practice can give teachers back some of their time? TLs can illustrate how collaborative practice can free up time for the teachers to facilitate learning and spend less time on administrative tasks. I think this would be a great entry point for the conversation. In terms of promotion, be enthusiastic and work with teachers and other staff to overcome the barriers that are presenting themselves. Challenge the status quo, but in a productive and solutions focused way.

From your reading so far, can you build a convincing argument for collaboration between the teacher librarian, principal and teachers at a school that you know?

The world as we know it is changing all the time. If we look back ten, fifty, and one hundred years, the world as it is experienced by high school graduates in those years would find some similarities with our graduates of today. But more importantly, we would be able to balance and then completely tip the ledger on its head with the differences. The fundamental differences in the world have caused a shift in paradigm – preparing our students to contribute to the economic and cultural betterment of our societies has always been a focus of public education across the world (Robinson, 2010). We need to be constantly conscious that we are not repeating the way we’ve always done things and expecting an outcome that addresses the changes in the world and the speed at which it is changing. Our consideration needs to constantly focus on what is beneficial for our students’ learning, their futures and the future of our economy and culture. Our students, along with all of the students in schools in Australia, will absolutely be contributing to our society in this way once they graduate.

At my previous school, we engaged in professional learning communities. Professional learning communities are those that use members’ knowledge as a fundamental asset and rely on collaboration to produce knowledge and encourage a reflective cycle. These communities allow professionals to interact socially and intellectually, and promote innovative thinking amongst staff (Langford, 2008). Our goal was to improve student learning. Simple, right? Within our teaching domains we focused on an area that we were experts in and applied some strategies that aimed to improve student learning across all subject areas. My domain, Physical Education, chose to improve cardiovascular fitness in Year 7 and 8 students. The research underpinning the benefits of cardiovascular fitness on learning and wellbeing is well documented. We saw a significant improvement in students cardiovascular fitness (as per fitness testing) and via student interview some qualitative data that we collected also demonstrated a positive effect. Langford (2008) discusses the need for school leaders to empower teachers’ learning communities to be comfortable with change. Education must get comfortable with change because the world is changing before our eyes and we have little control over it. We have a responsibility to equip our students with the tools and knowledge to navigate the world they will enter into at the conclusion of their schooling. They have a right to access an education which encourages inquiry learning so that they can make meaning of the world around them, create their own understanding and their own knowledge. After all, this is what will be required of them in the future at the very least.

And that’s where the Teacher Librarian (TL) role becomes a schools’ greatest ally. The TL can collaborate with the principal to work through and initiate some changes that promote inquiry learning. A great example of this could be the use of professional learning communities as detailed above to combine and share knowledge between teachers (which will likely reduce workload rather than create more work). The TL is an expert in inquiry learning – if learning communities were introduced they could oversee and collaborate with the teaching groups to maximise the potential for creativity, innovation, critical-thinking, problem-solving…the list goes on. On top of that, the TL is an expert in assisting with resourcing. They could be drawn upon across all of the learning communities to resource and incorporate 21st century skills into all units. An issue with the professional learning communities at my prior school is that we were in domain teams (PE, Science etc.). How amazing could this kind of collaboration look if the teams were cross-curricular, working on inquiry learning activities for their students that incorporate multiple domains and break down the silos of subject areas and domains?


Langford, L. (2008). Collaboration: Force or forced? Part 2. Scan, 27(1), 31-37.;dn=166077;res=AEIPT

Robinson, K. (2010, October 14). [Video]. YouTube

Choosing to Engage

Choosing to Engage

Without effective and efficient communication skills and the ability to build connections with others, students, teachers and other stakeholders will not appreciate the value and importance of the role of the TL. I think building relationships with teachers and students is more complex in the TL role as you do not fit neatly into one teaching domain, or have your own classes that you are teaching so the opportunities for this really important part of your role are difficult to come by. In order to do anything of meaning in your role as TL, you have to be approachable by the staff and students in the school. I think you have to have the confidence to put yourself out there a bit more. In my teaching roles, I found going on school camps was the best way to make those connections with students and other staff. If you aren’t comfortable with camps, you can make concerted efforts to go and make connections in some other way – involving yourself in lunchtime activities, sitting with different staff at lunchtimes, after school activities, school sport. Anything that gives you a chance to build that connection.

I had terrible personal experiences with TLs growing up, and then when I first became a teacher I completely ignored the value of the TL at my first school. I barely ever spoke to them. My own fault, sure, but perhaps the TL reaching out would have changed that too. I was kind of forced into collaboration with the TL due to my role in my second school and it was the best thing that ever happened to me in a professional sense. Look at me now! Studying to become a TL 🙂 Would absolutely never have happened without the initial social connection. But also, and my main point, my students learning and my teaching was vastly improved by the collaboration with the TL. The (forced) connection was the catalyst to this.

Integration, Innovation & Collaboration

Integration, Innovation & Collaboration

The role of the teacher librarian being a hotly debated topic is new to me! As mentioned in my previous post, I used to view the TL’s role as one of simply holding the key to the resources, but not one of being able to innovate, integrate and collaborate. Through my more recent experiences in schools, I know that the TL has the amazing potential to help transform schooling and somewhat dry, synchronous learning activities into exciting, educative and worthwhile learning experiences for students. The question of the TL primarily being a teacher, a librarian, a manager, an expert in children’s literature, a cataloguer, an information technology expert, staff developer, an information leader, a combination of these, or something quite different is an interesting one. However, in Australia, it seems to me that we certainly assume that the TL is at least in some part a teacher. If not from the title itself, or the minimum double degree qualification, then certainly by the fact that TLs will be required to address the AITSL standards. The ASLA Evidence Guide demonstrates how a TL may demonstrate meeting these standards. As a person who thrives in team environments and enjoys collaborating with others, and who has experience across a broad domain of subject areas, I am excited by the opportunities for TLs that are suggested by the evidence guide. Being able to use my teaching skills to optimise student and teacher experience, as well as learn new skills is an exciting prospect.

Are school librarians an endangered species?

With the ever-changing infosphere allowing fast, easy and global access of information for anyone with a device, why do schools need invisible, expensive and unnecessary TLs? In the 21st century, do we really need to employ someone who knows how to genrify the fiction section? In Karen Bonanno’s reflection, she addresses the inquiry and research into the role of the TL in schools. The evidence presented demonstrates that school libraries provided with adequate funding and staffing have a direct and positive impact on student achievement. However, due to the continually changing information landscape, education and educators need to continually change and adjust too to best prepare our students for the world they will exist in. It is a very difficult world to predict. The challenge for educators, and indeed TLs, is to continually engage in professional development to stay up to date, and to be consumers of and contributors to professional conversation to justify the value of our role in the school.

Madame Pince (reimagined)

Madame Pince (reimagined)

Growing up with both my parents as teachers, a love of learning and reading was fostered in me from a young age, ultimately inspiring the decision to become a teacher myself. However, as a young person I was not inspired by the libraries or Teacher Librarians (TLs) that I was exposed to. Perhaps that contributed to my preconceived ideas of libraries as terribly boring places run by glaring, prowling old women who were purposefully unhelpful (sorry!). These notions were further fed by my love of the Harry Potter series, where Madame Pince the librarian ticked all of the above boxes. Flash forward to my secondary schooling and once again, these ideas were reinforced by the TLs, who seemed more interested in our eating, drinking and talking habits (strictly not permitted!) than our quest for knowledge in the realms of the bookshelves. I strongly believe that sadly, these formative experiences shaped my interactions with TLs early in my career as a teacher.

My first role was at a school in regional Victoria, teaching Health, PE, Maths and VCE Psychology. Unfortunately, the only time I interacted with the TL was purely selfish. I wanted to loan some books to read for the holidays. They weren’t curriculum related, either. This, after all, was the role of a TL. The gatekeeper of the books. At no other point in my four years at this school did I believe that the TL could help me, or my students, engage in the curriculum. In fact, I thought that they would make my classes decidedly uninteresting and lead to disengagement. I was unfairly projecting my own negative experiences on my students and the TL in this school, and I will never know what wonders could have been achieved with a more open mind.

Returning to Melbourne, I was offered a role as a VCE Psychology and Maths teacher, and a leadership role as Year 10 Coordinator at my old high school. And boy, had things changed in that old library. Year 10 students had to complete a Personal Project, and the TL at the school was the coordinator of said project. As Year 10 Coordinator, I worked closely with the TL to support the students to get the most out of this opportunity. Through her wonderful leadership and partnership with students, staff and parents, the projects that our students created were nothing short of phenomenal. Furthermore, the Learning Commons was a busy space, littered with colourful opportunities for learning and collaboration. Conversation was encouraged and you could drink water (still a hard no on the food). Our obligatory partnership inspired me to seek the TL’s expertise in developing curriculum, including assessments and resources for mine and my students’ learning. My eyes were opened to the potential of the TL, and a little spark was ignited in me.

ALIA (2004) propose that the value of the teacher librarian lies in the combination of their skills and knowledge in both curriculum and pedagogy, and that of library and information management. My understanding of the role of the TL has changed dramatically over a short period of time. I now appreciate the TL as a collaborator who is able to expertly develop and resource the curriculum, whilst supporting stakeholders to navigate the complex and ever-changing information environment.


ALIA. (2004). Standards of Professional Excellence for Teacher Librarians. Retrieved July 21, 2020 from


The Information Environment

The Information Environment

Information is an evolving concept requiring us to reflect upon it’s very nature. In and of itself, it is simply a flow of ‘bits’, however as a whole, as humans we are able to apply meaning to the information. The idea of information as ‘bits’ quite reminded me of a visit to MONA in 2018, where my favourite exhibition was called Bit.Fall, where a wall of water spells out the most popular words searched on Google that day. Even without context, I found myself trying to attach meaning to the words. Why were those particular words being searched so frequently today?

Interestingly, it came to my mind that thinking of information in this way is a uniquely human experience. I was particularly thinking about linguistic and/or verbal information as it exists in the physical and digital landscape, as that type of information is referred to a lot in the material presented. As intelligent beings, we are able to synthesize information and use it to further our evolution. However, most animals with a level of intelligence are seemingly able to process the information in their environments to adapt, communicate and survive. Therefore, our ability to manipulate, understand and use information relates directly to how humans and other animals are able to advance and adapt in the world.

However, we are at a point where this progression has resulted in advances in technology. Such is the advancement that we are now saturated with information. In fact, the four inherent properties of information cited in the module (inconsumable, untransferable, indivisible and accumulative) mean that the information environment is overloaded. It is particularly important for consumers of information to be able to critically evaluate the authenticity of the information. In the age of information saturation, fake news, constant access to an ever-expanding landscape of ‘bits’ and ‘wholes’, the role of TL has never been more important. Teaching ourselves and young people how to research effectively, communicate, learn and use that information may well be a fantastic tool to apply in human advancement as we navigate through the ever-changing digital environment.