Literate Practices

Literate Practices

Teachers in Australian schools are incredibly time poor. As time goes on, it seems that the multifaceted role of the classroom teacher continues to evolve in a way that compounds this issue, rather than relieving some of the pressure. As the information world changes rapidly, so too does the range and access of literacies available in an educational context. It is an important role of the Teacher Librarian (TL) to collaborate with teaching staff and provide support, promotion and access to literate practices so that students can be proficient flexible communicators and information analysts. However, providing such support must be done in a way that is mindful of already time poor teachers.


In this context, the use of LibGuides are a practical solution in supporting, promoting and providing access to both traditional and digital formats of children’s literature for classroom teachers. LibGuides allow teachers excellent access to multimodal literature that supports their curriculum content and promotes students literary experiences in their classrooms. They are easily updated as new resources become available, and can be made collaboratively with teachers. Furthermore, LibGuides support multimodal representation of text that have been made available through multimedia and technological change.

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