The Future of Children’s Literature

The Future of Children’s Literature

Like many complex issues in society, the commentary around children’s literature in the wake of the digital age has evoked polarised views of what combination of format, genre and form will provoke the best outcomes for children. Children’s literature is one form of information, and advancement in technology is directly impacting the information landscape and indeed changing it at an alarming rate (Floridi, 2007). Hateley (2013) reminds us that change is constant and the concept of changes in reading behaviour, in terms of what is being read and how it is being accessed, has actually been a hallmark of children’s literature historically. It is true that the future of literature for children is likely changing – but so it always has. Isn’t it exciting to imagine and consider the ways in which new technologies might promote and engage readers who, in an alternate universe, may never have engaged in literature?

Whilst access to literature in many different forms has become more diverse in recent times, Harvey (2015) highlights that children still gravitate towards print as well as digital formats. The two can and do exist together successfully, and I hope and believe that this is the future for children’s literature. Whilst print literature allows the user to have the tactile experience of a book, of turning a page and physically holding a story in your hands and your mind, the digital experience allows greater interactivity and easier and more efficient access.

Of the many changes in the way in which society communicates and engages in information, Short (2018) highlights the influence of visual culture on children’s books. Visual culture is explained as an interaction with the world whereby imagery, rather than text, are central in how meaning is created (Short, 2018). This change is evidenced in a trend towards graphic novels and wordless books in young adult literature. This is quite challenging for me, as I have always imagined the words relating to “literature” to include written work. However, it is uplifting to think that we can advance beyond our notions of what we have always thought something to be, and challenge these ideas for the benefit of future generations. I think it’s fantastic that creators of literature are able to acknowledge these cultures as they emerge, and to produce beautiful and engaging works for young people. I love the idea that as a teacher, I can learn how to engage with young people in this context, to encourage them to think critically and to allow the creativity of interpretation.

The original prompt to this blog post asked me firstly to consider my vision for the future of children’s literature, and subsequently to discuss who will be the drivers of change. My vision for the future of children’s literature allows engagement of all children in quality literature existing in a diverse range of genres, forms and formats and accessed through both print and digital publishing. I hope that this literature is such that it makes a difference in the lives of children, and allows them to grow and flourish as people both locally and globally. Short (2018) challenges us to see ourselves as consumers, as well as educators, and to challenge the market-driven decisions that have recently resulted in a lack of cultural diversity in children’s book publishing. Whilst it is up to educators to realise themselves as consumers, it is up to society as a whole to push for these types of changers. We are all stakeholders in the outcomes of these trends on some level – so perhaps it is up to us as educators to not only challenge ourselves, but challenge our communities to champion these kinds of changes in the market.


Floridi, L. (2007). A look into the future impact of ICT on our lives. The Information Society, 23(1), 59-64.

Harvey, E. (2015, December 8). Five trends affecting children’s literature. Book Business.

Hateley, E. (2013). Reading: From turning the page to touching the screen. In Wu, Y., Mallan, K. & McGillis, R. (Eds.) (Re)imagining the world: Children’s literature response to the changing times (pp. 1-13). New Frontiers of Educational Research.

Short, K. (2018). What’s trending in children’s literature and why it matters. Language Arts, 95(5), 287-298.

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